Go retro and find something sparkly. You might find something at a vintage shop. If you can put it on video and post it on Youtube.
Your friend will love it if you have fun and not be self-conscious.
I think you kind of owe it to her to go all out, afterall you said you make fun of her all the time and you did lose the bet. I say tight belly shirt, padded bra, short skirt, fishnet stockings, and heels. Go out to the local bar and let her get video of you singing karaoke to a song she chooses.
Dress like a girl going to prom. If you're gonna do it, draw attention to your self . Wear a big poofy pink prom dress, heels, and a tiara.
Heck, carry around some flowers and say you're the prom queen
My favorite cross dressing men would have to be the Washington Redskin Hogettes. Just get yourself a big cigar and a garden party hat and you will be good to go.
Fill a purse with women's personal items and accidentally SPILL IT in a public place, then pick it all up slowly.
Women wear men inspired fashion for a long time, and it is considered very "in" by the specialists. So pull one over her and dress in an androgynous way. Just look at the following examples.
It's obvious to me, and I don't think this is a legit question at all.
I say you get the last laugh. Make her think you enjoy it. Go out shopping and pick out a cut little sun dress.
When you get home, put it on and prance around the house. No matter what, don't let her see you are embarassed. If you act like you think it is fun, she will freak out and realize the bet wasn't worth it.
You come out the winner in the end.
I'm not sure about what you should do but I recommend wearing a pantsuit. These suits are a piece of female wardrobe that is most similar to a man's clothes.
Go and get a blonde wig, a gown or skirt and blouse, don't forget to shave and also high heels. You can try shopping at Apple Bottoms, there you can find all this items. You will be a pretty lady for sure.Goodluck.
You should wear some of her clothes. Then, do something that makes you sweat a lot. Then, make sure you tell her that her clothes are soaked in your sweat.At least then your getting her back right away.
Of course, then she will have to get you back again, but that would spark a pretty fun vendetta that could last for years. Sorry about the bet (care to tell us what it was?), and try to make sure none of your friends see you.
Be smart. You can dress like a girl without feeling so uncomfortable. Wear girl's jeans with a design of little flowers in one leg and pocket.
You can also wear a white shirt. Wear as little make up as possible and a cap or hat. Do not forget the pink sneakers.
I ran into this one as a trailer at the bottom of the page.. looked interesting... So, it depends if you want to be 1, comfortably silly or 2. Totally outrageous. Fashionista Moi (with 57 years experience dressing all sorts of things from me, to men, to dolls to kids) will suggest: For 1.
Above, comfortable, yet girlish, The Kelly Ripa Look, get some black leggings, a colorful top or t shirt, a goofy hat that you can get rid of if you want. Maybe paint your nails bright blue. (grab a bottle of nail polish remover while you get the nail polis) ... or just use blue stick on nail sticker decor (it comes off, really!) Any shoes will do (don't let her make you get high heels!
) ouch For 2. Above, dress up like Ru Paul or the likes. Face makeup, bright red lipstick, blush, bright colored tights, mini skirt, ordinary t shirt will do, maybe some chains, chunky hip belt, all bright colors, like red, pink, orange, yellow, blue, dash of white or black.
Funky boots, wear your own if you like, weird bright laces if you must I'm on your side, believe me (I'm a 57 year old young lady) but believe you can have fun with this and still not make too much of an embarassment for yourself! If you don't know who Kelly and Ru are, a quick goggle pictures search will bring them up. Kelly is in ABC tv and Ru is a guy who does female impersonations.
Now go tell her to dress like a construction worker or a logger!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.