I need a home for my aggressive dog. I have one week or my dad'll have him put down. HELP PLEASE!
Asked by Libzy 12 months ago Similar questions: home aggressive dog week dad'll put HELP Pets > Dogs.
Similar questions: home aggressive dog week dad'll put HELP.
I'm sorry that your dad is giving you so little time to find a new home for your dog. Try contacting this place they may be able to help you or at least steer you in the right direction. Also, talk to your dad and ask him for a little more time.
Explain that one week is not really enough time to find a good home for your dog. Good luck! dachshund-rescue.org/contacts/us/TNhttp:... .
I am sorry to hear that, Libzy. Where do you live? City/state, not your whole address.
Have you started looking for no-kill rescues in your area yet? Can you tell us about your dog, including breed and size, whether he is neutered (fixed) or not, and about his aggressive behavior? How is he being aggressive, and to who (or what)?
Are you old enough to drive your dog to a shelter or rescue, or will your dad or other adult help you get him there, if you find a place? Katherine .
I live in TN but am willing to take him to nearby states if needed. I have looked for no-kills but can't find one that will take an aggressive dog. My dog Blue is my best friend.
He is a beautiful 4 year old tick-marked dauschund with a little something else in him (probably Beagle). He has never done well with other people (especially men) and other dogs. He is very protective of me and his territory.
Lately, he has been aggressive toward my family and my other dog, Red (a Boxer mix puppy). My dad doesn't want to bring in a Behaviorist, and has given me one week to find a home for him or he's going to have him put down, something I just can't live with. Blue can't go to just anybody because of his issues, he needs work and lots of it.
I can take him if I fand a place. Thanks, Rachael Libzy 12 months ago .
Oh, and he does NOT have a bite history, just major growling, showing his teeth, snapping(but never biting) if imaway, he goes nuts Libzy 12 months ago .
I just sent you a PM. Check your email or Askville profile page. :)Katherine .
Great ideas, Carla! And I agree with Carla that one week is simply not enough time to find a home for a special-needs dog. Perhaps if your dad sees that you are really working hard on this, he will extend his deadline.
Meanwhile, do you have any friends or family who would be willing to take Blue, even just as a foster, while you find a better place for him? Kat .
HELP! " "where can I put my dog/puppy if I am going away for a week.Is there a Hotel for dogs? Lol Miami.
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:(" "Opinion, please.My son's dog is very aggressive with other dogs. He seems to want to fight. There has been no injury" "I want to help my son with his home mortgage .
How can I put $50,000.00 into his mortgage without tax consequences" "How does one deal with a neighbor's aggressive dog when the city won't until it hurts someone? " "Aggressive dog or rescue dog? " "For anyone who has dealt with a food aggressive dog.. (cont.In the board)" "How can I keep my English Setter mix male dog from being aggressive to other dogs?
" "i got 3 dogs and they need a home fast I have to move and cant have them please help me.
Where can I put my dog/puppy if I am going away for a week. Is there a Hotel for dogs? Lol Miami.
I need to find a home for at least 2 of my four dogs. Can you help? I live in Orlando, Florida.
Opinion, please. My son's dog is very aggressive with other dogs. He seems to want to fight.
There has been no injury.
I want to help my son with his home mortgage . How can I put $50,000.00 into his mortgage without tax consequences.
For anyone who has dealt with a food aggressive dog.. (cont. In the board).
I got 3 dogs and they need a home fast I have to move and cant have them please help me.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.