I ordered Pinnacle Studio Ultimate, why so long to ship, I need this item asap?

I ordered Pinnacle Studio Ultimate, why so long to ship, I need this item asap. Order Date: August 21, 2007 Order #: 002-5550179-3120054 Recipient: V. LaVerne Charity Items shipping soon: Delivery estimate: September 4, 2007 - September 10, 2007 1 of: Pinnacle Studio Ultimate Version 11 CDSold by: Amazon.Com, LLC Asked by Verne 52 months ago Similar questions: ordered Pinnacle Studio Ultimate long ship item asap Arts > Photography.

Similar questions: ordered Pinnacle Studio Ultimate long ship item asap.

Inventory... The delivery estimate depends on many factors--where you live, whether or not Amazon has the item in stock, and so forth... Amazon is providing you their best guess based upon those factors... In some cases it ships sooner; in other cases it takes longer; they will keep you apprised of the status... For more accurate information regarding Amazon's delivery estimates, please see this page under their help section on Delivery Estimates: amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html... best... Sources: Experience, Amazon. Com .

It all depends on the shipping method choosen as well as the destination Being in the USA, you should be able to get an item from Amazon overnight or in too many days, depending on the shipping method you choose. The faster usually the more you will pay for shipping. Some items are shipped for free but it usually takes a while.

One other reason for a long delivery is the stock status. Ordering a product that is not in stock will take longer that ordering a product ready to ship. You can see all the details on Amazon website at: amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html... Hope this helps!

Fsantos .

If you really want it ASAP, you probably should cancel your order, and buy it in store. First of all, you have not contacted Amazon here. This is a general Q&A site, which is linked to Amazon, but not Amazon Customer Service.

Therefore, my answer doesn't represent Amazon in any way. Then, on your question: If you are not satisfied with the delivery time of Amazon, you should cancel your order immediately, and go to your nearby software store. You will have the software immediately then, although you might pay a few bucks more.

If you want to keep your order, you will have to wait until delivery time. Sources: my knowledge .

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If you pre-order from Amazon, and the date the item comes out is the 29th, how long will it take to ship the item.

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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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