I owe October rent I will pay Oct. rent and I'm giving a 30 day notice. My rent was due on the 16th. When must I move?

I owe October rent I will pay Oct. Rent and I'm giving a 30 day notice. My rent was due on the 16th.

When must I move? Asked by fallguy 14 months ago Similar questions: owe October rent pay Oct giving 30 day notice due 16th move Business > Financial Planning.

Similar questions: owe October rent pay Oct giving 30 day notice due 16th move.

If so, read it. My lease said I had to give 90 days of notice.

If you're a tenant at will, you can move out 30 days after you give notice. But you should discuss this with your landlord. Technically, he could charge you an entire month's rent extra.

Today's the 25th. You can move out on Nov. 25th, but you will owe November's rent on the 16th. If you don't work out an agreement with the landlord where he agrees to charge you by the day, he could charge you by the month, and you will have have to pay November's rent in full.

If you move out without paying, he could come after you in court. If you work something out, he may only charge you 1/3 November's rent, but you need to talk to him. He could stick by his guns and refuse to give you a break on the rent.

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