I started my first yasmin pill on the first day my period started and two days later my period stopped, why?

Thank you for your response Softbabe, I have used Diane-35 previously and my period was totally fine. I just know the basics on Yasmin that it can cause blood clots etc. Didn't think it would stop my period. Two days I had a pretty heavy period then in the evening on day two it got lighter and stopped all together in the morning.

I am a little concerned. Can't be that I'm pregnant, it was a heavy flow, or can it? Brunetta 1 month ago .

It might be that but I would wait to see what happens if you have any thing else going on you can wait and see what happens somewhere in there do a hpt .

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Is there anything on your enclosure that came with your pills that stated the side effects to look for while on the meds what it can cause and things to look for sometimes theses pills can mess up your periods others make a mess of your cycle and then some can either stop or the period is almost nothing for example the depo shot can stop the period.

Thank you for your response Softbabe, I have used Diane-35 previously and my period was totally fine. I just know the basics on Yasmin that it can cause blood clots etc. Didn't think it would stop my period. Two days I had a pretty heavy period then in the evening on day two it got lighter and stopped all together in the morning.

I am a little concerned. Can't be that I'm pregnant, it was a heavy flow, or can it? Brunetta 6 months ago .

" "i started the pill two days before my period-will I get my period or miss it" "I just started back on the pill 3 days ago, and I suddenly got my period. Should I stop taking the pill? " "ok im on the pill and I just started this month but my period is two days late am I pregnant" "I started taking the pill a few days after I finished my period.

Is that bad, what will happen? " "Been on the pill for 4yrs & got kneed in the vagina. I started bleeding the next day when my period is next week help?

" "stopped taking my pill a month ago, started bleeding for a few days at the start now im 6days late on. Is this normal? " "my period was 5 days late then I started my period and I am on day 10-it usually only lasts 3-5 days?

" "can you become pregnant 3 days after your period has stopped?

Can your pill change your period's day you come on.

I started the pill two days before my period-will I get my period or miss it.

I just started back on the pill 3 days ago, and I suddenly got my period. Should I stop taking the pill?

Ok im on the pill and I just started this month but my period is two days late am I pregnant.

I started taking the pill a few days after I finished my period. Is that bad, what will happen?

Been on the pill for 4yrs & got kneed in the vagina. I started bleeding the next day when my period is next week help?

Stopped taking my pill a month ago, started bleeding for a few days at the start now im 6days late on. Is this normal?

It seemed to be all gone by the time it was time to get my period though. HEy, I started my birt control for the first time about 5 days before my expected period. Now its about 4-5 days late.

Is this normal?! Dear Ladies Just have a little problem.. I had a brake from my pill andm period is almost two weeks late now.. Is it normal? Yes it is.

When I quit the pill this past december, I didn't get my period until february. Then I didn't get it until I started taking the pill again, last month! I didn't even want to start taking it again, but I got pimples when I stopped taking it ,so I wanted them to dissapear.

I hate having to depend on it now! QUOTE(dani837 @ May 26 2007, 12:55 PM) Yes it is. When I quit the pill this past december, I didn't get my period until february.

Then I didn't get it until I started taking the pill again, last month! I didn't even want to start taking it again, but I got pimples when I stopped taking it ,so I wanted them to dissapear. I hate having to depend on it now!

Thank You so much! I am sooo relieved now.. but I will still keep on doing pregnancy tests until I get my period.. just in case.. yeah, paranoic.. I know.. thanks again! QUOTE(ac271 @ May 23 2007, 03:26 PM) HEy, I started my birt control for the first time about 5 days before my expected period.

Now its about 4-5 days late. Is this normal?! ThanksWait, you started it 5 days before your period was supposed to come?

It's been awhile since I first started taking the Pill, but I'm pretty sure you're supposed to start them the Sunday after your period starts (and I'm pretty sure that's even if you're still bleeding on that Sunday.) So, you're on about day 9 or 10 of the pills? I'm not sure if that's enough to interrupt your cycle, but it could be. Did your doctor tell you to start them before your period started?

I've got my period back! Oh my God, I've never been sooo happy after getting period! I got my period last week and it was a normal period!

So I'm definately not pregnant. But my breasts are huge.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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