Stopped bc pill in Nov. No period til Jan 9. (lasted 6 days). Started bleeding Feb 7, lightly. Hasn't stopped. What now?

Stopped bc pill in Nov. No period til Jan 9. (lasted 6 days).

Started bleeding Feb 7, lightly. Hasn't stopped. What now Asked by newuser77403002 10 months ago Similar questions: stopped bc pill Nov period til Jan lasted days Started bleeding Feb lightly Health > Reproduction.

Similar questions: stopped bc pill Nov period til Jan lasted days Started bleeding Feb lightly.

Get some professional advice from a doctor if you have strong concerns. Most doctors require to see a patient in person before advising them. Why ask strangers with no medical qualifications and sight unseen, to give you a correct answer?

Be careful.

My period skipped when I started the pill now 3 weeks later I have my period which has been going on for 9 days! Normal? " "stopped taking my pill a month ago, started bleeding for a few days at the start now im 6days late on.Is this normal?

" "After stopping the pill and bleeding a few days afterward, how long should it be before I start my period again? " "Took the pill for a week and started to have side affects and stopped.2 days later my period started is this normal/?" "I started bleeding 2 days after I took plan be and nw it stopped? " "I was 3 days late for my period, then started bleeding lightly.

Is this my period or implantation, could I be pregnant?" "I have 3 years on the pill, I stopped two weeks ago, want to start again. Can I start today? Need to wait til my period?" "I am 4 days late from my period.

I started cramping, bleeding, dizzy and nausea, could I be pregnant" "my period stopped after the first day(very light) just when I started taking the pill. Should I continue taking them?" "Been on the pill for 4yrs & got kneed in the vagina. I started bleeding the next day when my period is next week help?

My period skipped when I started the pill now 3 weeks later I have my period which has been going on for 9 days! Normal?

Stopped taking my pill a month ago, started bleeding for a few days at the start now im 6days late on. Is this normal?

Took the pill for a week and started to have side affects and stopped. 2 days later my period started is this normal/?

I was 3 days late for my period, then started bleeding lightly. Is this my period or implantation, could I be pregnant?

I have 3 years on the pill, I stopped two weeks ago, want to start again. Can I start today? Need to wait til my period?

I am 4 days late from my period. I started cramping, bleeding, dizzy and nausea, could I be pregnant.

My period stopped after the first day(very light) just when I started taking the pill. Should I continue taking them?

Been on the pill for 4yrs & got kneed in the vagina. I started bleeding the next day when my period is next week help?

Missed my AF by four days and now bleeding lightly" "Took the pill for a week and started to have side affects and stopped. 2 days later my period started is this normal/? " "my period stopped after the first day(very light) just when I started taking the pill.

Should I continue taking them? " "I have 3 years on the pill, I stopped two weeks ago, want to start again. Can I start today?

Need to wait til my period? " "I am 4 days late from my period. I started cramping, bleeding, dizzy and nausea, could I be pregnant" "stopped taking my pill a month ago, started bleeding for a few days at the start now im 6days late on.Is this normal?

" "i need help I took plan be than 3 days later started bleeding it lasted for 5 days but after I been feeling pregnant" "I missed a BC pill & didn't notice it for a few days, now my period has started in the middle of the pack what to do? " "if I started my period a week late should I wait til my period is over to start takin the pill again?! " "Been on the pill for 4yrs & got kneed in the vagina.

I started bleeding the next day when my period is next week help?

Missed my AF by four days and now bleeding lightly.

I need help I took plan be than 3 days later started bleeding it lasted for 5 days but after I been feeling pregnant.

If I started my period a week late should I wait til my period is over to start takin the pill again?!

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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