I think its wrong to boil live sea creatures such as crabs. I have a couple questions..?

What I do is open them up and stab them in the middle. I know it sounds harsh, but it's better than boiling them alive. Also, you can clean them before you cook them.

Lobbbbster killllllerrr. Honestly, it may seem bad, but cows, pigs, chickens are treated much worse for their entire lives. If you're against boiling crustaceans, you may consider how the food industry treats land-walking animals.

Also, they don't have the same innervation was we do in our skin. Our fingers especially are some of the most sensitive areas of our body. There was one instance where we ate lobster sashimi at a restaurant.It came in the original lobster shell with the head and all.

Then I noticed that the legs were still moving a little bit and that was the last time I've had lobster though I can't say I don't miss it. Far worse than boiling :(. + Guns may work fast on cows, but that's not how they are killed.

Always put your live crayfish, lobsters, crabs etc in the freezer till they are asleep before putting them in boiling water. Studies have shown they have pain receptors but noone knows if the can feel suffering. Its a pity they are so delicious.

Crabs taste wonderful. So do cows but guns work fast and good on cows. Sadly I don't think shooting a crab is an option.....idk maybe a derringer (tiny hooker thigh gun) anyways yeah -boiling/drowning are awful ways to kill something.

I'm not against killing for food - its an ultimate hypocracy - gotta digest something living to live -plant or animal -something is dying for me -so something else has the same mentality to me. But yeah -would be a bad way to go. If they would make morphine otc and cheap id inject the little bugger and enjoy the meal even more.

You shouldn't do that the rspca advises freezing the crab before cooking in boiling water.

No, I do not feel that way. They're food. My suggestion is to use a sharp knife and stab them between the eyes.

Don't go so far that you hurt the delicious meat, though.

They die instantly. Place in head side down, legs up. It is better to put them into the chiller as they will fall asleep and not wake up when they hit the water Seawater crabs etc will drown in fresh water.It is a lot more humane than butchering them with a knife if you don't know what you are doing, or getting the belly shell riped off.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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