What ocean sea creatures can go deep into the ocean?

Similar questions: ocean sea creatures deep.

My first answer is lobster because they literally walk the bottom of the ocean. How far under is another question. The site listed below also puts crustaceans, etc.At the bottom of the ocean--ON the bottom.

"Many of the mounds and holes are made by different types of worms living in the mud and either stretching their bodies over the surface to feed, or throwing out the contents of their burrows to form the mounds. Other holes are produced by molluscs, crustaceans and even starfish and brittlestars, while irregular gashes in the mud may have been caused by fish or shrimps as they pounced on a tasty morsel." "The 'tyre tracks' are produced by larger, bottom-living animals, such as deep-sea crustaceans, snails, starfish and sea cucumbers as they move around in search of food. " adds, "The third type of sea animal spends its entire life on or in the ocean bottom.

This group of marine animals is called the benthos.It includes lobsters, starfish, various worms, snails, oysters and many more. Some of these creatures, such as lobsters and snails, may be able to move about on the bottom but their lifestyle is so bound up with the ocean floor that they are unable to survive away from this environment. " In addition to these are the entertainingly huge Giant Squid, which "swim" so deep that they only recently have been verified as not another of Jules Verne's inventions.

Sources: fathom.com/course/10701050/session3.html .

1 I don't know exactly. But did you know, or see the videos, when they take these things up, they get larger because the density is so much lower in our atmosphere? It would be like a vacuum pressure to us.

I believe that this may be how Cheetos cheese puffs are made ... This user has been banned from Askville.

1 I don't know exactly. But did you know, or see the videos, when they take these things up, they get larger because the density is so much lower in our atmosphere? It would be like a vacuum pressure to us.

I believe that this may be how Cheetos cheese puffs are made ...

I don't know exactly. But did you know, or see the videos, when they take these things up, they get larger because the density is so much lower in our atmosphere? It would be like a vacuum pressure to us.

I believe that this may be how Cheetos cheese puffs are made ...

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A meteorite falling into the ocean, how large would it have to be to throw water up into the stratosphere.

Water creatures like the Loch Ness monster have been sighted in other lakes. What do you think of this?

How deep in water can a humpback whale swim in.

Why is the water surrounding the Caribbean island more salter than the ocean.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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