If a question you post gets only one answer, and although that answer is good, it is plagiarized, do you pick it as best answer?

Absolutely not, and I don't mind or feel bad about doing it.(selecting no best answer) I see it as an opportunity to help another user see what we are looking for here on Mahalo Answers and what they will want to improve upon to get a best answer. If a question of mine receives one answer and it is plagiarized I will offer them the help of the Copy and Pasting on Mahalo guide and explain to the member who gave the answer that this is the reason I am selecting no best answer. Best answers here get indexed by Google and awarding a best answer to a plagiarized answer leaves a permanent image of that broken law and inferior answer on the face of Mahalo forever.

Selecting no best answer removes the question and answer from the index and it not reflected in Mahalo's overall ranking. Plagiarism should be reported, especially if it is a pattern with a particular user.

There is a distinct difference between plagarism, a properly quoted source and a poorly quoted source. If the answer is plagerized, I would post a polite comment stating as such and hope the original poster would make a correction. Same with a poorly quoted answer.

I don't believe we're under any obligation to tip a poor answer, even if the question only received one answer.

Hmm I think it is not plagerism if you post the source.. if they are doing the work to get the best answer I don't think it is fair nor valiant to not vote them as best answer. Thanks Mike 1.

I would let someone know that it was plagiarized and I would select no best answer, while making a comment on that answer so when others come in to vote fair or unfair they will see why I made my decision. It's illegal for a reason...a lot of people should take the time to read up on the true definition of plagiarism. Good question...makes you think.

Being an artist (musician) and regular online publisher, plagiarism strikes a very sour chord with me! hubpages.com/profile/joecseko There are several venues that I take when see plagiarism without the appropriate entity credited for such. Many authors will actually have some contact information (usually an online form) to report the theft of their intellectual property.

I've done this many times! Especially when you're a part of a community, like Mahalo etc, you become tuned to the style, accuracy, use of grammar-punctuation etc. That a user will use. If I see someone step way out of these parameters, I immediately copy several lines and paste them to Google.

You WILL find the source! I'll immediately contact the site's abuse team and even offer a link as to where that information came from. Plagiarism is stealing!

If that information might be protected under other laws, I'll follow through with the appropriate law enforcement entity. Rutgers University offers this discussion. google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=4&ved=0CBcQFjAD&url=http%3A%2F%2Fnewark.rutgers.edu%2F~ehrlich%2Fplagiarism598.html&ei=fWjeSrXsOo-alAfMyoyoAw&usg=AFQjCNHgEUQWN9gUec3Kq_hGF_dn_ZJXLw&sig2=Jo0gBYH6Wpmoc6q138yJJg.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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