Someone asks a question, you answer it well, you are the only one to answer it, and they still select 'no best answer'. Do you report it?

I would ignore it the first time for sure, as people sometimes make mistakes. I once voted something unhelpful when I meant to vote it as Best Answer, because my fat fingers slipped at the wrong time. If it happened more than once from the same person, I might start to wonder about it, but I don't think I would report it.

I might make a couple of experiments to see if I could get a "best answer" out of them. Or I might just let their questions go by for a while. The problem with that has been that they may ask a question that really interests me, and I don't want to let it go by.

I kinda figure that not all of my good answers will get 'best answer", but on the other hand, I've gotten some that I didn't think I would. I figure it all evens out in the end. I've learned that trying to guess how a particular questioner or answerer is going to react is difficult.

Just when you think you may have somebody figured out, they surprise you with a really good or really rotten (according to me) response. That's one of the things that keeps this place interesting to me.

Just because you're the only answer, it doesn't mean that it was a "best answer". "best Answer is subjective, and the user may not have found your response to be "on point. I'd chalk it up to experience and ignore it.

That said, if this user consistently selected "No Best Answer", I'd report it - although staff is usually pretty good at identifying users who are behaving without integrity. They may already be aware of the situation.

I think that sometimes happens because different people can interpret the question differently, especially when the wording of the question is short without much explanation. So, even if you gave the only answer and it was a good and/or thorough response in your way of thinking, others might not think it was direct enough or whatever. In some cases, that can work to your advantage when the person appreciates the different turn your answer took than what they had intended with their question, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.

I don't think I'd report it unless it became a pattern of hostility. The Best Answers percentages and money matter to me to some degree, but in the case of one answer that is easily overcome in the long run. At first, I'd probably answer more of that person's questions based on my interest in the question itself and maybe even just to see if the same thing happens again.

If it became clear that we were simply very different in the way we view or interpret most things, I'd end up avoiding that particular asker just because that's more futile than fun.

I answer so many questions I doubt I'd even notice and I noticed that answers from the other site doesn't show on your profile here so you can just.. click them. Does it email you when someone votes "No best Answer"? If I noticed it I may ignore it the first time, but the second I think I'd report it.

Clearly they are abusing the option if they continue to do so. I think after time two I would also stop answering their questions.

If you could ask that your answer be reconsidered that would be an options. There are many reason why our answer is not chosen as best answer even if we thought we've given the best answer, since you are the only answerer. I look for some kind of a way to find who has the best answer by comparing answerer response to the question.

Anyway I wish you luck in your future work.

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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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