If a tax debt is owed to the IRS can filing bankruptcy settle this debt even with a lien?

Also keep in mind that liens are not released until the liability is paid in full regardless of the amount was dissolved by the bankruptcy If you file Offer In Compromise, then any equity you have in property will be your offer amount Liens: Once these requirements are met, a lien is created for the amount of your tax debt. By filing notice of this lien, your creditors are publicly notified that we have a claim against all your property, including property you acquire after the lien is filed. This notice is used by courts to establish priority in certain situations, such as bankruptcy proceedings or sales of real estate The lien attaches to all your property (such as your house or car) and to all your rights to property (such as your accounts receivable, if you are a business) Caution!

Once a lien is filed, your credit rating may be harmed. You may not be able to get a loan to buy a house or a car, get a new credit card, or sign a lease. Therefore it is important that you work to resolve your tax liability as quickly as possible, before lien filing becomes necessary Yes.

But you are much better off to look at other options, including something oficially caled "an offer in compromise Bankruptcy involves everything you owe and everything you own...not just tax ANS The above are, well simply wrong: Once a BK is filed, by law, no offers in compromise can be considered. The IRS will not communicate with you about the debt or an offer in compromise any longer.....IT IS AGAINST THE LAW FOR THEM TO DO SO.....it is considered trying to collect a debt, all actions for which MUST be stopped upon a BK filing The tax due becomes part of the BK and the IRS or other auhtorities, will file claims with the court and these debts will be handled as part of the BK, and are given a priority over many others.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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