If Obama is anti-business, why is the DOW 120% higher and Corporations are showing record profits?

The point of the marketing is to criticize Obama all the time, no matter what he does - or doesn't do.

The Corps that are making record profits are the ones who kissed the ring, paid the contributions, and got favors for it. They pay no tax, scum bags like Soros and GE Hamas got a billion $ for their contributions Soros largest interest Petrobras got the BP oil find which is worth probably over a trillion$, for FREE! A Brazilian Oil company with a Communist leader just elected that was probably installed by the Rothschild Cartel like Obama was.

George Soros, the Progressive Propagandist criminal billionaire Rothschild Agent, was also given many billions when Schumer lies about Indy Mac Bank in California and caused a run. Regulators jumped right on it and declared the insolvent and Soros was fast tracked to control. Small business is what makes the USA, and that's what Obama hates.

He loves the big ones that will bribe him and he can give kickbacks to. He destroys small business as a favor to them, but that also destroys our freedom because business working with government is tyrannical and a form of fascism. He destroys the chance of the commoners to make it.

Obama is the enemy of the little guy, unless they are parasites, and he and those who pull his strings are just using them to gain power, then they will throw them away like the Rothschild pushed and funded revolutions always do, every time. Small business is what kicks up our economy especially in times of trouble they save us. While Obama gives big business special favors, he hammers down on small business with all kinds of business destroying garbage in regulatory form and is pushing up the IRS numbers to go after them and make their lives hard so they can't do business.

Soros is a Rothschild Agent, Obama is a Rothschild Puppet. They control and own the Federal Reserve Bank, and they work to crashing the USA in the interests of their goal of ruling a One World Government.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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