If the People are occupying Wall Street, is Wall Street occupying Republican seats in Congress?

Because many people are upset at what has been happening with our economic system. This is the basic principle. But there are two main wings of the protests: - One believes that capitalism is inherently evil.

They advocate for more socialism, higher taxes, more regulations, and a complete nationalization of Wall Street to "democratize the system" and give workers a higher say on their wages, labor hours, etc. They see corporate greed as an ill system that values money more than human life. The extremist part of this wing want to see an end of the capitalist system and replace it with a Resource-Based Economy (RBE) that would be sustained without money and environmentally-threatening sources. - Another wing sees the real problem with Crony Capitalism.

Capitalism itself is not wrong (it is, to them, a great thing that allows more goods to be sold for cheaper prices, reducing poverty and increasing innovation on the long term) but the evil with our system is the collision between governments and corporations. The so-called Public-Private alliance that includes bailouts, corporate welfare, subsidies, tax loopholes for big businesses, etc. They are more willing to support someone like Ron Paul for the presidency. The extremist part of these protesters support an end of the State and a privatization of every government services, including the police and the firefighters, which would lead to a more peaceful world, with a global free market and a speedy development rate.

Both sides agree on certain issues. For instance, they both opposed TARP and corporate welfare, while many advocate for the end of the Federal Reserve. They do not like the Establishment and see Barack Obama as the same leader as George W.

Bush. Mainly economic protests, however, they don't focus on social issues, even though most would argue that science may be the answer to many world problems.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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