If we can make things like portals in video games, then can we do stuff like that in real life?

This will be more of a debate than a question. I think that there must be some way to manipulate mater (like pixels) in order to make things like this possible. Opinions/question anyone?

Asked by 009DBZ 49 months ago Similar questions: make things portals video games stuff real life Computers > Hardware > Desktops & Laptops.

Similar questions: make things portals video games stuff real life.

Probably not I think that what you mean by "portal" is some sort of teleportation device. If that is the case, then the answer seems to be no. To do so would require some way of encoding, sending and reproducing ALL the information necessary to make a human.

This is an incredibly daunting task.

Matter, unlike pixels, is glued together We do manipulate matter all the time. We pick it up and carry it somewhere else. If you want to break it down into pieces, though, you run into problems.

Pixels are just individual bits on a computer screen. You can manipulate them completely independently of each other. Matter, however, is all glued together, and the order in which it's glued together is extremely important.

You wouldn't want to find yourself sorted into carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen molecules; you'd be dead. And there are many, many more bits of matter than there are pixels. There are a few million pixels on a computer screen.

Your body contains a million million million million atoms. That's not "four million", that's "millions of millions of millions of millions". Even if you could pick up one atom at a time, you'd find yourself having to deal with a problem a quintillion times harder.So no, don't expect "portals" any time soon.

Making things in video game is first step The first step to any invention is conceiving the idea. Look at how much of the technology from the original star trek we have actually developped. That being the case, think of what we wil have developed by the actual date star trek was supposed to have been based in.

On the other hand things like portals and light speed + are much more complex. There is certainly no evidence to suggest that these things will be developed any time soon, if ever. But, if we can imagine it, we can try to build it, so if there was any hope of these things ever comeing to be, it starts in their appearence in video games.

Sources: opinion .

1 I don't know if we'll ever see things like portals in our lifetime, but with the way science and technology are going right now, I would say that things like this will probably be created in the near future.

I don't know if we'll ever see things like portals in our lifetime, but with the way science and technology are going right now, I would say that things like this will probably be created in the near future.

2 I don't know about wormhole-type portals, but we firemen are trained to be able to make a door wherever we need one.

I don't know about wormhole-type portals, but we firemen are trained to be able to make a door wherever we need one.

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Do you ever see questions on here that make you think, "Boy am I glad I don't know this person in real life! "?

I want to make real macaroni and cheese, none of this out of the box stuff. How do I do it?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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