If we "practice to make perfect" but there "isn't such a thing as perfect", why do we practice?

I agree with previous answers that there is such a thing as perfect.

However, I believe this must exclude professional service providers.

Ie; a person must be degree-qualified (ie, 'perfectly' equipped) in order to describe him/herself as, a Practicing Physician, a Practicing Lawyer, a Practicing Psychiatrist, a Practicing Accountant etc etc..

On the face of it, 'practicing' isn't a particularly reassuring descriptor, as you prepare to go under the surgeon's knife, or seek your accountant's help to avoid being eviscerated by the IRS, or whatever.

Presumably though, it's actually a way of saying that professional people understand that standards and 'practices' continually evolve; so they cannot afford to stop learning...

This was a good question, jlastevens. Words are interesting aren't they?

Practice makes you perfect' is only a saying....it is not meant literally----it rather means that practice makes you better at a certain thing.

When comes to love, two perfectly the same can't work out, because opposite attracts eachother. Perfect das't exist, always will be someone bether than you. All you do or made, someone can do that bether.

Don't brake your head about it.

I've never heard someone say that there's no such thing as being perfect. I think probably the only time i've heard that is in church, when the Pastor would say that only God is perfect.

We practice to get as close to perfection as we can. When you practice your math, you increase your chances of being better or even perfect at it. Practicing to play a sport, or practicing a song allows you to become perfect at doing it.

Its very paradoxical in nature, but things can become perfect with practice.

There are perfect things! A perfect test score for example.... No one is perfect, but we can do things perfectly.... that is why practice can make a performance perfect...

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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