If you are forced to join a union because union thugs and democrats don't want you to have choices, do you tell?

Well it comes down to whether or not you want that job which ordinarily pays well and has benefits. If the person considers that unions are the reason that the job safe profitable in the first place, knowing the history and the struggles that people of the past went through, that helps. Long hours, dangerous environment, child labor, low pay, and unfair business practices are some of the things that unions have done so much to eradicate.

Yet, the struggle for the worker today is that the union has lost its teeth. It is able to help in some circumstances but seems to lie to the members or even misrepresent them in some others. The political environment is one area that the worker cannot get away from.

The leaders are often using the union to voice their political views which they often present as facts. Well, it isn't that bad. They aren't forcing the workers hand in the polling booth and most folks are quiet about what they believe anyway.

Without the union, the jobs would have a tendency to revert back to the way it used to be. Without collective bargaining, there is no voice for the worker. Most jobs are not ideal so folks complain about various things but unless the leadership is totally off, we usually just accept the status quo.

Personally I feel the time of unions is past/ I will not say we did not need them when they were formed because without them we would still be working 80 hours a week for very little pay. We would still be dying in unsafe working conditions. Because of them we have labor laws that protect us.

Like 40 hour weeks and just pay. But the unions have become corrupt with power as has our government. As a union member you do have rights and when you sign the contract you are agree to it.

If you do not agree with it you can and should speak out. You can insist on a clause in the contract that restricts the use of the funds you provide. You can and should become active in the everyday running of your local.

And you can and should insist on an open shop that allows you to chose if or which union you want. The benefits derived from union shops is far out weighed by the lack of representation. Most of the benefits they now claim and yes they were responsible for them were gained in the past with both state and federal legislation and this cancels out the need for them.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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