If you could have any super power, what would it be?

The super power to keep everybody happy, including myself! If you have Super Power just to earn money, you will be like Bill Gates. But, is the richest man, the happiest person?

Your guess is as good as mine. If you have super power to to Time Travel|time travel, it is just for your personal entertainment. It is quite possible, you will spend the rest of your life travelling to different times and meeting different people.It is almost like, you are sitting in front of a Televisions|TV, for the rest of your life.

Is "Back to the Future|Back to the future" guy, the happiest person? If you are a Superman/Batman/Spider-Man|Spiderman, sure it will be great fun. But the most satisfying part of being a super hero, is making others happy!

If you are invulnerable and can not die, will that make you happy? Even if you remain young forever, you will have to see each and every nearest and dearest ones die. This super power is more of a curse.

Sometimes, I wish if I had the super power to kill all the Terrorism|terrorists. But killing millions, will produce billions of unhappy people. There is high probability that many of those unhappy people will turn in to terrorists.

But, if there are more happy people, there will be less terrorists. Why a happy man would like to kill himself and hurt others too? If you have any super power, it can make you happy, only if you put it in to a proper use.

When it is used properly, you will be a super hero, otherwise you will be a super zero! So, the super power to keep everybody happy, including myself, would be the best. The best part about this super power, is each and everyone of us have it.

Let's try to use this super power, to leave Earth|this planet in a better shape, than we found it.

Intelligence - Knowing everything and anything. Having an answer to every problem / situation. Knowing how to fly Knowing how to cure for illnesses.. Knowing how to move things with your mind.. Knowing how to read other people all in one super power.

I would like to have the power to eat any kind of food, whenever I want, without How to Gain Weight|gaining weight or gh Blood Pressure|raising my blood pressure. I used actually have this power.

Okay, since the question says "any super power" I suppose it is limited to one. Although I'm tempted to go with flight, the power of flight would not be much good unless it was combined with another super power. Sure, you might be able to get somewhere faster, but it would be cold traveling that way.So, I'm going to say the power of "empathy.

" With this power, I could touch someone and make them feel the pain they have caused others in the world. I would love to make all the child molesters and rapists feel what their victims felt. Beyond my own since of retribution, I think this would help reduce repeat offenders.

I think another power I would like to have is one I saw on a show called the 4400. A woman had the ability to see gifts in people and bring them out. If you had the ability to be a great basketball player or musician, she would recognize it and help you become one.

I think that would be a really great power to have. I wouldn't want a power that would make me become a superhero. I think the pressure would be too much.

How could you ever take a day off when you know that by doing so people would die? Also, I think people would come to expect too much from you. I mean, Lois Lane gets into more trouble because she expects Superman to save her.

Without him, she might be a bit more self-reliant.

An ability to shoot an empathy ray from my fingertips....

I'm Hygena, I have the super power of fighting 'grime & crime'. :).

I would choose the ability to Time Travel|time travel with faster than the fastest speed one can imagine. Something about being able to travel much much much faster than light and observing/altering events from past or future. It just seems outrageously awesome.

Probably the superpower to monopolize the printing of legal tender, and enforces the use of that as money. Basically what I'm saying is I'd like to be the Federal Reserve|US Federal Reserve system. After that I'd like for Kryptonite to immediately cripple me within 30 feet of any interaction.

That and see through ladies clothing.

Either time travel, or the ability to shapeshift into anything.

Well I'd have to say Superman because isn't he the best superhero. He can beat them all. So I want his.

I would want the ability to move through space and time independently of each other, just like When I was a kid I used to pretend that I could, so that I could cheat on a test or get out of a sticky situation....

Stop watch that stops time like in that old The Twilight Zone|Twilight Zone episode. Need more time to study? Bam, hit the stop Watches|watch.

Need a couple more hours of sleep? Bam, hit the stop watch. Need to be at a meeting in 2 seconds?

Bam, hit the stop watch. Find yourself in the middle of a drive by shooting? Bam, hit the stop watch.

Guy in front of you at the ticket line being a dick? Bam, hit the stop watch and pull his pants down. The possibilities are endless.

I'd just have to buy some sort of case protector for it or risk dropping it and breaking it while time was paused just like in the original show.

To make or contol anythingjust by thanink abou it.

..I'd be more your selfish kind of super-hero. All this saving of the world and such-like would be too much work. I'm not sure I'd have time for all that.

(Okay, I admit it: I think I'd be just too lazy for superhero work ..I'd rather sleep in. ) :) So yeah, x-ray vision ..I think I could have a lot of fun with that. Would have a lot of good practical applications too.

And not so much of the superhero obligation that might go with being super-strong and being able to fly, etc.

Simple: - devide myself into: Super dad - always there Super ceo - time for everyone Super friend - give all to everyone.

I'd want the ability to manipulate space/time, like I'd teleport around the world talking to people -- the Dalai Lama, for example now and in the past; various martial arts teachers; United States Presidents|President Abraham Lincoln|Lincoln and George Washington; chat with Heisenburg, Bohr, Albert Einstein|Einstein, Sir Isaac Newton|Newton, Gottfried Leibniz|Leibneiz ... walk through the streets of ancient Abyssinia and Greece. I want to find out the truth of Prince Madoc and the story of China|Chinese fleet that supposedly landed in the California shore decades before Christopher Columbus. I want to find out what happened to the Mayan Civilization|Mayans.

I want to see if the first emperor of China was as crazy as the history books made him out to be. And when I exhuasted my curiosity on Planet Earth, I'd want to look for Extraterrestrial Intelligence|life on other planets, and who knows, maybe even see if I can witness the Big Bang or the end of the universe (if there is one).

Being able to control time would be pretty cool - be able to have time to finish all those side projects ;).

They all possess the ability I most want. Telekinesis."Psychokinesis, then, is the general term that can be used to describe a variety of complex mental force phenomena (including object movement) and telekinesis is used to refer only to the movement of objects, however tiny (a grain of salt or air molecules to create wind)32 or large (an automobile, building, or bridge). "In the real world Uri Geller claimed to be able to perform this feat.

"The late Carl Sagan included telekinesis in a long list of "offerings of pseudoscience and superstition" which "it would be foolish to accept (...) without solid scientific data" though even highly improbable claims may possibly be eventually verified. He placed the burden of proof on the proponents, but cautioned readers to "await—or, much better, to seek—supporting or disconfirming evidence" for claims that have not been resolved either way. "If I had this ability I may decide to collect a million dollars.

"The James Randi Educational Foundation offers 1,000,000 US dollars to anyone who has a demonstrated media profile as well as the support from some member of the academic community, and who can produce a paranormal event, such as psychokinesis, in a controlled, mutually agreed upon experiment."Check this page out to learn how it's done:http://www.meaningoflife.i12.com/telekinesis.htm"Choose a small, lightweight object and place it on the table in front of you. Relax, clear your mind completely and focus on your object. Visualize a "tunnel" between you and the object.

The only thing that should be present in your awareness is the tunnel and the object at the end of the tunnel. Now, imagine your mind's hands coming out and pulling the object in. Once you feel the pull, you might want to make sounds in your head that suggest a strong magnetic field (nnnn.... nnn.... nnnn.... )It may sound silly, but it works!"With this ability, I would be like Neo (The ONE!

). The only difference is that I would be in the real world and not the Matrix. Another difference would be that I wouldn't turn my life into a trilogy.

Teleportation or the ability to know when someone was telling the truth or lying.

My power would be to tele-kinetically create objects by rearranging the molecules in the air and other objects. Like "Oh you gonna send your death robots at me? Well.... " (BLAM, steel robot is transformed into a harmless rocket-launcher) "say hello to your little friend".

Just think, you have a cheeseburger but you want lasagna? You have a cat but you want a dog? All you need is equivalent molecules!

I would want to fly, that way I can get anywhere I want as fast as I want!

Stock Market|stock price prediction power. I would be marketman.

The power to jump tall women in a single bound.

I want the ability to stay awake forever without sleep or rest. I would be Productive Man! (or an incredible endurance athlete).

Or the ability to heat liquids to an exact temperature. My kids would never have to burn the inside of their mouth on hot chocolate again. Or the ability to convert ice cream into muscle.

I would be the next Mr. Olympia.

I'd fly, that would be amazing! I'd like the power to be invisiable, think of all the fun you could with that. I'd like to be able to see into the future too so that I could see next weeks winning lottery numbers!

The power to command everyone and everything.

The ability to control the force. Telekenesis, premonition, Jedi mind tricks, all of it. And be able to build a lightsaber.

I would like to be able to control people (inculuding mine) feelings, for instance if my best friend was sad and depressed and tired, id like to be able to make him happy and upbeat. Or if someone was angry and someone id like to be able to make them like eachother and not want to fight? Be interesting to see what you could do with that?

The ability to superimpose my love and peace into someone by just looking at them.

There's some that could do both. Ro Nakamura's ability to travel through time and space would be fantastic. But a lot of people have said that one already, so I'll go for something different.

I will be the Rain-Maker. My power will give a total ability to control the weather in any way I choose: sun, rain, snow, warm, cool, whatever. On the fun side that means the weather will always be perfect for whatever I want to do.

Want to go hiking or play tennis? There will be gorgeous sunshine, and it'll be nice and warm, but not so hot as to be uncomfortable. Skiing?

Fresh powder anytime. Romatic evening? Beautiful sunsets can be arranged!

And Christmas will always be white, of course. Now for the doing good part... Say goodbye to droughts. And say goodbye to Global Warming|global warming, to melting ice sheets, and to dangerous hurricanes in populated areas.

Also, being mindful of the need to make a living, my power can be easily monetised. Crop watering, ideal Skiing|ski resort conditions, hurricane diversion can all be arranged for a modest fee. Free service to poor nations of course.

Invulnerability is the king of abilities. Flying = you can still be shot. Super Strength = you can still be shot.

Teleknisis = You can still be shot. Teleportation...well you get the idea :).

Call me old fashion but I've always been partial to "The Shadow". The ability to both read and "cloud" men's minds is both very useful and really cool. And I like the dual edge nature.

Just because you can read somebodies mind should you? If he's a bad guy of course you should, but how about your wife? Or your mother?

Somethings are better left unknown perhaps. But..... "THE SHADOW KNOWS!

Omniscience-is the capacity to know everything infinitely, or at least everything that can be known about a character including thoughts, feelings, life and the universe. That would be the one superpower that in view if I heard would dwarf all other superpowers out there. I would have absolutely no need to use the World Wide Web|web read books or think, I would simply know, how the universe began, if there are other planets out there that support life, if Mahalo will someday beat google, whether God exists and finally if I really exist.

With that power I would have all the above answers and then some.

Invisiblity at will of course, imagine the advantages of it man you cant imagine it you can have anything to eat, fool around with people and no one notices you. Ahhh couldnt ask for more.

Ok - this will both show how lame I am and why I'm quickly becoming addicted to Answers. I want the power to have complete access to the internet - the ability to search and know (or at least cache) everything from anywhere anytime. And none of that messy wetware/neural interface crap.My hair is too important to me.


Instant adaptation. It would be sweet to be able to change to best suit where you are. If you have any problems you just evolve right around them and you don't have a problem anymore.

I mean, you could adapt to flight, swim, and basically anything.

" once for all. There shouldn't be any ambiguity regarding the presence or the absence of God.

They tried to do this power in the '80s in a comic with Cypher, but it failed spectacularly because I imagine it's a pain in the ass to draw. I would love to have the ability to understand, speak, and write/code in any language, living or dead, human or Programming|computer language. Can you imagine being able to read and study texts in their original languages with no trouble at all, be it Traditional Mandarin|Chinese, Syriac, or Mayan?

And then, on a dime, be able to turn around and completely understand everything from assembly language to BASIC to Malbolge? Sure, it's aiming low, but I think it'd be better than most anything as it wouldn't be too disrupting. You wouldn't be thought of as a freak, prodded and poked by scientists, and you wouldn't have the horrible negatives of something like reading minds (there's a reason some things aren't said aloud) or being able to Time Travel|travel through time (Butterfly Effect, etc).

I would choose telekenisis that would be so awesome.

I always say the ability to fly. But then you've got to think about weather, unless of course, somehow weather didn't effect you. I mean, can you imagine having to fly in dead of winter.It would take all the fun out of it, and really you couldn't let anyone see you do it or the evil government would come and capture you and do all kinds of tests on you and that would suck because they would sure chain you down so you couldn't fly away.

So, I guess I'd want to be a member "Q" Continuum from Star Trek Next Generation. Someone who could create anything he thought of. Though that could dangerous if I wasn't an extremely focused person.

I mean, I have a lot of thoughts that I don't truly want acted on. This whole superpower thing can get hairy. Now there's a superpower, the ability to grow extreme amounts of body hair.

I'm not sure how it would help mankind, but sure would be impressive to the Guinness people.

The unerring ability to read, speak, and comprehend all languages, dialects and accents with perfect fluency and literacy. Oh the places you'd go and the people you'd see!

Teleportation so that no walls can stop me and that there is no limit to the universe that I can explore. Also it would save money on gas.

Have the ability to fix stupid people with the snap of a finger! Also i'd like to fly, be super flexible and super smart. I would also be the best super mom ever!

The power to learn thing super fast either by touching someone with that knowledge or touching a book and learning the knowledge that way. The only other superpower to heal very quickly, like Wolverine Character|Wolverine.

I would have the power to instill in all humans a permanent, peace loving mindset that drives them to act only in the best interests of humanity. This desire would supplant all hostile notions with ideas of how to help the less fortunate, and the drive to implement those ideas into actions. An interesting side effect of this mindset altering power would be that henceforth, John C.

Dvorak would like new things.

Give me the universal Remote Control|remote control that controls the universe! If I could have any super power, I would be able to freeze time, rewind life, fast forward life, and turn things on and off as if it were a DVR like a TiVo|Tivo. Watch the movie Click and you will see what I mean here.

I would have a universal remote control, and make more time in the day. I would be able to take total control of my life. Watch the videos!

The ability to give people super powers :).

I would like to have the superpower of time travel - that way, when you see a problem in the present, you can go back in time and prevent it.

My super power would be to infuse water with instant healing properties. This would enable shipment of vast quantities of healing water across the world and maintained health for everyone. You can't survive without water...so prime health would become a natural life supplement.

Life without health concerns/ailments would make (most) people happier, live longer, contribute to society, eliminate mental illness related crime, and host of other benefits. If you think through all the impacts of a mentally and physically healthy society I think this would be the most worth-while to the human race. Plus the evil superpower of hording my healing water over everyone as leverage wouldn't be an issue if I drink my own water.


I would have the superpower of healing. I have a really hard time watching people suffer and if I could just help them and make them better, it would not only benefit myself, but it would benefit the world in an incredible way.

The ability to turn flatulence into a Renewable Energy|renewable resource to fuel my car and heat my house (but without the smell).

The ability to teleport anywhere and everywhere I want in an instant. One minute your at work (grumble...) then next, your at the Best Beach Vacations|beach, at the top of a mountain, watching your favourite sport etc etc etc...

A super-power...super-power...hrm... Well, there's a little something you should know about me. When it comes to the big stuff, you can pretty much call me "Murphy's Law"....because if something CAN go wrong with it, it will...so I've taken a look at the super-powers, and how they would probably end up with me! Time-Travel: Great power!

The ability to go forward or back in time, righting all the wrongs which you perceive to have been done. Why should all those people suffer the way they did when with one small act, for instance slugging tler's or Christopher Columbus' mom in the gut when she was preggers, could avoid so many deaths and so much suffering. But what would that unleash?

With the camps and death chambers of the regime not in memory, would things change? Without an instant slap in the face would the world grow gradually colder and more tolerant where eventually it isn't such a shock, and even acceptable? Since my dad is a mixed-blood, would I simply vanish from existence?Hrm...sounds risky Ultra-fast speed: Wow, can you imagine this?

Especially if you can find a way to pair it with ability to survive in space? The things you can see, the ability to run from earth to the very ends of the universe...to watch stars be born, and planets die. Even on earth, just getting from point A to point B.

BUT, I can see where this is headed for me...a bullet isn't dangerous in and of itself. If you throw one at someone, they haven't been "shot", it just bounces off their chest and they look at you like a dork. It is dangerous because it travels at such high speed it can pierce you.

Now imagine what happens when you start traveling at speeds far greater than the speed of light! I can just imagine myself running through a itsey-bitsey lil cloud of dust, and each one pounding a hole straight through me...I might get where I'm going quick, but I'll be sieve by the time I get there! Morphing: The ability to change my shape into whatever my little heart desires.

Want to rob a bank? Shift into the shape of the manager and walk right in! Want to fly, change into a bird.

Want to run, change into a deer and flee through the fields, free and running...TO GET SHOT BY A HUNTER! *sigh*...and even just sticking with changing into people, I'd probably get knocked off by some stalker ex of theirs...next... Unlimited knowledge: The ability to know or learn all. Simply put...what's the point of life without any questions?

With already knowing the answer to all, there is no need/ability to learn...without the ability to learn, there really isn't a need to live... Ability to control others: Wouldn't this rather boring rather quickly? And, if you had to actively work to control them, what happens when his buddies figure out what your doing? What about THEIR buddies?

How many can you hold? It sounds like your just ASKING for a curby... Invulnerability: Yeah, good in theory. Bullets bounce off of your eyeballs and even rabbits with big pointy fangs can't take you down.

HOWEVER, people NEED to die...or at least parts of them do...Can you imagine if nothing in your body could be harmed? No cell could die? Your skin would keep growing thicker and thicker and thicker, eventually webbing between arms/fingers/toes/and even legs.

Within a few years, you would simply be a blob of flesh, grown together, and unable to move. Doctors wouldn't even be able to cut you free, or trim the excess since your superpower would dull and daunt even the sharpest blades! Well, I guess if paired with the ability to roll, wouldn't be so bad... Super Strength: The hulk, superman, and a huge number of other superheros had this.

You know the problem? Each one had some limit...granted, superman's was greater than a 747....but still a limit. You know the problem with a limit to super strength?

Eventually you'll hit this limit, probably without knowing it. Now, in the gym, you pull a bit too much weight, you rip a muscle. As a superhero you pull to much weight, you get crushed to death by the building your trying to lift!

Flight: Free as a bird! Go anywhere you want, see things from above.Yeah...I'm a bit ADD and get distracted very easily...flying along, minding my own business, gradually drifting higher and higher until eventually I either freeze to death, or suffocate! Ugh... Teleportation: Just think of the I dream of jeanie thing...bop my head, and I teleport where I want.Yeah...my aim isn't so good...I would make it exactly 5 minutes before I landed myself in the middle of a wall and got offed by it.

Or worse yet, in the middle of a person and melded to form some strange weird creature which tortured itself as our body's immune system tried to destroy the "invading" genetic material... X-Ray Vision: yeah...I'd give myself cancer... Divide myself: Have you ever watched the movie Multiplicity?!?! What would be cool is if you could devide yourself smaller and smaller and eventually be gulliver among your mini-me's...unfortunately, I would probably be tied down and feasted upon by them... Ability to read minds: Yeah, I know the crap that goes through my head...I would drive myself nuts if I had to listen to everyone else's crap too! Telekinesis: Yeah...see above where I'm ADD!

I would be moving my furniture around while sitting on the floor. Have my couches floating over my head, then something cool would come on TV, I would lose my concentration, and the couch would fall on my head, killing me instantly... With all that said, I think I'll go with BSDPunk...just be happy and well adjusted...although I would probably find a way to screw that up too...

Definitely to fly. I fly in my dreams and it's a very spiritual thing...and it's handy to get away from enemies!

Mental powers: universal knowledge, telekineses, and mind-reading. My powers would be used for the development of Man-kind, and hopefully answer some important questions that have been plaguing the science community. I would probably be quite a boring superhero.

I would certainly avoid my exams that means that I would love to time travel.

I will love to have super strenght and the power to read peoples mind, fantastic.

Money is not an issue, everything pays great in my little world. LOL Asked by dalencaroline 56 months ago Business > Jobs.

Professional Askviller I was going to say world consultant, so I could just sit home and offer advice and get paid very well for it (I'm glad that everything pays great in your little world! ), but all of a sudden I thought "wait--that's exactly what we do at Askville! " So I think I would chose to be a professional Askviller with a 7 figure income and just sit here and answer questions with no guilt that I should really be doing other stuff!

I have pretty good qualifications, and 22,302 Questcoins to prove it! LOL! What more proof do they need, as they are the ones that granted me those coins and levels!

I would even provide my own equipment (lounge chair, laptop, glass of ice tea), and have benefits through my husband work so all they need to do is pay my salary. I'll take care of the rest! With your connections can you get me this job?!

Poppet! 's Recommendations The Consultant's Toolkit: gh-Impact Questionnaires, Activities and How-to Guides for Diagnosing and Solving Client Problems Amazon List Price: $34.95 Used from: $18.59 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 8 reviews) .

Professional Game tester I would love to sit and test video games for a living, I would get to test the latest games and game systems. Nothing but fun all day...of course I would also like to be on the first mission to mars but, I am getting a little old for that now! .

I would run an major airline You get the world's biggest toys to play with (jumbo jets! ), plus you get to fly all over the world, in first class, and consider it "work"! ThoughtMonkey's Recommendations Jay Jay the Jet Plane Wooden Toy Amazon List Price: $11.99 Average Customer Rating: 3.5 out of 5 (based on 15 reviews) .

This may be boring, but the answer is the job I already have. I teach high school English, and I love my job. Every day is different, so I'm never bored.

I love my students (most of them) and my colleagues (most of them again), and I know that what I am doing is making a difference in the world. That doesn't mean that I don't question my sanity on some days for my career choice, but the good far outweighs the bad. I am already excited about next year because of some of the changes our principal in planning, so I take that as a good sign that I still love what I do.

We have a month left of this school year, but I am already excited about next year.

1 Poppet, regarding your answer "Professional Askviller":Oh I wish I could get you this job, I just might take one too. LOL .

Poppet, regarding your answer "Professional Askviller":Oh I wish I could get you this job, I just might take one too. LOL.

I had 2 teaching jobs. I got laid off from my permanent job. My other job is day to day substitute work.

Unemployment? " "Has anyone seen a spam/scam that's being run on craigslist jobs for a German package forwarding job? " "I was terminated on 5/10/2011 after 18 1/2 years at the same job.

What should I say when applying for new jobs? " "What job-title or jobs do these skills suggest to you? " "Some people believe that you should be paid by how difficult your job is.

What jobs should be paid the most? " "Which are the best job websites for finding postdoc and R&D jobs for electrical engineers in Canada? " "i am looking for a job for my son that is 18yrs old we live in springfield, ohio any help out there online jobs" "How is the job market in North Carolina?

Are people finding jobs? " "What is the best way to seek a new job when you have changed jobs 3 times in the last 10 years? " "I am a US citizen looking for a job in Toronto, Canada.

How do I go about looking for jobs?

I had 2 teaching jobs. I got laid off from my permanent job. My other job is day to day substitute work.


I was terminated on 5/10/2011 after 18 1/2 years at the same job. What should I say when applying for new jobs?

Some people believe that you should be paid by how difficult your job is. What jobs should be paid the most?

I am looking for a job for my son that is 18yrs old we live in springfield, ohio any help out there online jobs.

I am a US citizen looking for a job in Toronto, Canada. How do I go about looking for jobs?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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