I would love to play Xbox 360's call of duty. Me and my brother love playing it as well as me and my friends. Sometimes even my dad will play.
I think many people are missing the point of forever. You may be wowed by "great graphics" on games now that will mean nothing in 5 years. You may be wowed by music based games (You can always just pick up a guitar.) Nothing is quite like the long lasting impact of Tetris.
Even now they have seen it reduce the stress levels of soldiers with post traumatic stress syndrome. For a game almost 30 years old I think it has shown it's strength as THE long term contender.
Super Street Fighter IV on Xbox 360 because of the challenges and the big variety of characters that I can play with alone or with more than one person.
It hasn't been created yet, but it would never end.... ever...
COD: Black Ops! The campaign goes kinda quick but playing online is awesome. I love the "one in the chamber" game mode it never gets old.
You get one bullet a knife and three lives the only way to get another bullet is to kill the other players ( it is fun because when you run into another player you have no idea how many bullets they have if any).
Super Mario 64. It's not an easy choice because there were many good games before it and there have been many excellent games after it. But Super Mario 64 ruled the video game universe like no other when it was on top.It was revolutionary; bringing Mario completely into the universe of 3D.
Super Mario RPG for SNES was a nice step, but not quite there. Everything about this game is legendary. The variety of acrobatic moves Mario can perform.
The musical score that is amazing all by itself and is frequently used by video game music remixing communities such as ocremix.org. But the biggest thing to account for in a game to be played FOREVER would have to be the playability, and Super Mario 64 is one of those games that you can play through and collect all of the stars, then start a new file and do it all over again, and again, and again.
I would have to go with either GT5 or WoW because of the long play time. It is a really hard choice though because I would like to choose something that doesn't rely solely on graphics. I think I could play GT5 for a long time if it was all I had because I'm always up for a race.
I would search for a very hard or maybe the hardest brain teaser. So even if it was the last game I would be proud of myself to have finished it.
First of all good question! Second of all I would go for a game like Fallout 3 or Fallout 3 New Vegas. Both Excellent games but you can play them through many different ways based on the decisions you make with the people you meet.
For example you can be as good or as bad as you want and that results in different consequences. Great fun! The other one for me would be Football Manager but i'm English and I love football/soccer :) Thanks for the interesting Q.
If I had to choose right now, I would choose to play Monster Hunter Tri for Wii. It's a fun Wii game where you fight monsters. The good part is that it has online play.
Games that have online play can usually be played longer. This game has lots of fun things you can do online in addition to the great offline mode. They have different event quests in the online mode that change all the time.It will allow for endless hours of game play.
Tealmyster, I like your idea of picking something that is nonlinear and social. I would have to say both those things would be important to my choice as well. Also I would like something very interactive and something that bleeds into real-life and has a purpose besides gaming for it's own sake like Urgent Evoke vimeo.com/9094186 I would want a game where I could gain knowledge and life skills, basically better myself.
Here is something that comes to mind: Being a Musician/Guitar Player I have to admit I thought guitar hero and rockband seemed really gay to me at first. But I have been impressed how much my kids have learned about music/rhythm from just playing Guitar Hero, also my mouth dropped when my 10 year old son told me his favorite guitar player was Tom Morello and he could name particular Rolling Stones songs he liked. My son is getting more serious about his violin lessons now also.My 8 yo daughter likes to practice acoustic guitar and really wants a drum set now.
Like most young girls she was big into Hannah Montanna but now more so into Talyor Swift and Colbie Caillat, it's nice her really getting into music at her age. To put things into perspective when I was first learning guitar I pretty much taught myself, I had a 56k modem and would get Guitar tabs off usenet. The thing that really blows my mind is the wealth and diversity of music available now.
And something has definitely changed in society because it seems there are vast numbers of talented Guitarists young and old on youtube playing everything imaginable and if you want to learn all you have to do is sit down and watch and listen. At the beginning of the century recorded music was not widely available and people entertained each other, most homes had a piano or a family member who played something and everyone sang. I personally don't know what to beleive about the "Music Industry" today is it dying or do people mass consume more music than ever now?
I would not be surprised to find out that soon the amount of "homemade" music on youtube grows larger than the entire canon of professional recorded music period. Is it a surprise to anyone that the future of games will look more like this:
I tend to ramble when I talk about music. So here is what my idea of a game would have to be before I could "marry it" I'm interested in design, fabrication, and 3d printing, and the current revolution happening with "atoms instead of bits" that is going on and will make the "Digital Revolution" look like kids stuff. See here for a short explanation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9HDMmyDwjE I want a game that can combine things like google earth 3d buildings with photosynth and the iphone yelp augmented reality interface.
I want to integrate google sketchup and intuitive creature creator of spore and be able to output to something like Pokono or a Makerbot. I want a game where great ideas flourish and spread like Ushahidi, and Urgent Evoke but with the cleverness and spirit of Afrigadjet. I want a game that has a seamless opensouce social fabric than can grow and evolve something that will benefit from the fact it's crowd sourced rather than the blatant greed of people trying to monitize everything.
I want a game that required you to grow as a person and something that recognizes that worlds do not need to be proprietary small and closed but something that can integrate the strengths of the stupendous amounts of data online with ease. A game where it is not a crime to share media or mashup and remix such things. Something that shuns proprietary formats and the fail of corporate beauocracy altogether.
I want to see a game that does not want to try to be the future of gamming or the best way to part people from their money but something that builds on the best of what is technologically available now. You know the good stuff like this shizzle= I find this creepy yet amazing to see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLmlz34BUlk Combine this with the previous one and it would be hella creepy= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_migLQ802Go There is no reason games need to only live on a screen is there? http://vimeo.com/8770515 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saFSSQgv6UM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuHJUS2olyc vimeo.com/90941860 vimeo.com/90941860 Most of all I think these are great ideals to strive for: vimeo.com/90941861 But alas such a game does not exist so my short answer would be the first game that enchanted me and was the killer app that made me want to upgrade from a C64 to my first "real" computer in 1991.
Lemmings for Amiga 500 I love puzzles and the gameplay is simple yet very dynamic and has withstood the vicissitudes of time I think. You can try it here: http://www.elizium.nu/scripts/lemmings/ But it is not the same without the music and sound fx see here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SgDS-16UFA.
Tonk hawk pro skater 3 is a blast i've been playing it for years a never get tired of it..
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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.