I'd choose my dog of course. Yes pictures, especially family pictures mean a lot to me... but we're talking about my dog's LIFE here. And I spent more memorable times too with my dog which will be just wasted if I'd just watch him die like that.
:( There'll never be something more valuable than life. Those family pictures can always be done again or at least saved in my memory forever. I can also have more fun and memorable time with my dog as well.
Easy answer...i'd choose my pet(s). I would not occur to me for a moment to choose photos instead of a living thing.
For once I agree with the majority.. the dog. A life trumps memories of life every time. Plus.. this face.. how could I leave it behind...
I am going against the majority here simply because at this time I only have two birds that I am not that much attached too. I would grab the photo and tell one of the kids to grab the bird cage. Photographs esp the one I have of the kids when they were little all sitting together is not replaceable.
Amber was 5, Alex was 2 and Timmy was 2 weeks old. The older two were holding the baby, and all three were wearing mickey mouse sleepers. My mother in law bought the three of them the same print outfit, now that way so cute and well its my fav pic of all three.
Oh God, 'I'd tell one of the kids to grab the cage'....... I would grab neither the birds nor the photos in that case, I'd grab the kids! In the original case of the photos and pet (dog) I'd choose the dog, and, let me tell you, my hobby is photography, my passion, half my life invested on it, but letting a living being burn to death there, NEVER. Be it a dog, a cat, or even my pet rat (I say it this way because it's the most stupid, antisocial pet rat Ive seen, plus she is old and will die soon) but a living being goes first no matter what, it's burning to death we are talking about!... If you care that much about your babies's pics, keep a couple of them at a friends house, just in case your house burns, so that you can actually save your children and birds, i'd say...
The answer is clearly visible, SAVE YOUR PET! Any life is more important than anything else, life is fleeting, yours, mine & theirs, you can look at photos of the past or you can enjoy life in the present with those you have with you, the loyalty of your dog to him is to his death, these pets would discard their life to protect you, why would anyone rather save a photo instead of their pet.. Inconceivable. Love & Light...
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.