An Eagle. I would love the freedom of soaring so gracefully on the wind and having such powerful vision.
Oh yes, that sounds nice. I would like to fly. But I would also love to swim and breath under water.
I would definetly shapeshift into something that could fly, and something that could breath under water. Or both if there was actuslly an animal that can fly and swim and be able to breath under water, but I can't think of an animal that can do both at the moment. If one even exist.
:)Thanks for answering. :) Lianna 2 months ago .
An eagle, I would love to experience the freedom of flying and soaring so high above the earth. They are very majestic creatures.
Oh I agree! There such amazing creatures. The eagle is one of my favorite birds.
That would be extremely awsome to fly! :) Thanks for replying. :) Lianna 2 months ago .
I've always admired the grace and beauty of cats so I think I'll morph into a cat! =^,,^= .
Aww that's cute! I like the whiskers! Haha.
And they do say cats have 9 lives haha. I would like to be a cat as well. There so.. Mysterious and smooth.. And adorable!
:)Thanks for answering. :) Lianna 2 months ago .
An eagle...just kidding;)I've always been partial to otters myself. They play a lot and fish and swim with the other otters. And they are too big to be bothered by eagles!
LOL! Oh I forgot about the otter. There sooo cute!
I would shapeshift into every animal possible so I know what if felt like to be in the animals position. But I'd definetly have to try different kinds of climates! Antartica: be a penguin.
:) In the ocean: be a dolphin. . .
Or mermaid haha. That would really be awsome! Haha.
:)I would love to try a horse or a tigar. Theres so many haha. Thanks for your answer!
:D Lianna 2 months ago .
Hmm, good one. :) That would be pretty cool. :) I would say lion, but tigar is more like, because I'm a girl haha.
Unless theres a girl lion besides it being called tigar, if that makes sence haha. Thanks for answering. :) Lianna 2 months ago .
Oh! Beautiful creature! :) It has it's creepyness haha, but there interesting birds.
:)Thanks for answering. :) Lianna 2 months ago .
I would shapeshift into every animal possible so I know what if felt like to be in the animals position. But I'd definetly have to try different kinds of climates! Antartica: be a penguin.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.