If you could visit One Asian city, which one would you visit and why?

I would like to visit Kathmandu in Napal. I would like to spin some of the large prayer wheels and see the There is something about the unique terrain and spiritual energy that would make it a very peaceful journey for me.

I love nature, I love my country so if you say which city of Asia then definitely I would say Chittagong of Bangladesh. This is my country, this is a Asian city. I have ability to visit there.

We are some friends are going to travel there for more than 10 days in this city. I think this city is queen of nature but unfortunately Bangladesh not get too much tourist because of their weak steps to attract tourists, low country branding, politics crisis, corruption etc. But if I show you this city here, then you must will ask to me that "can I get companion of you when I will go your dreamy city?" Hahaha Isn't this street is a art of streets?

Will you not wish to run through this road? Of course, I would.

Isn't it great temple like china or inda?

Though we are muslim country, we have all shorts of great religious building. Will you not wish to play boat on this lake surrounded by hills?

Will you not enjoy these green hills too much?

Are you ready to get crushed on the natural beauty of this city?

The largest sea beach of all over the world. Its our one of the greatest heritage site.

Will you come to me to sleep on the sun?

No doubt about beauty of this fall. I love this city of our county.

I love the natural beauty of this city. And we are going to have a gambling in this city. Thanks safi.

I will go for Kyoto.

I've been to Japan but not to Kyoto. I think it would be quite something to experience Japanese culture and history.

I'm also interested in Zen. There are many other great places I'm sure, but this is one that I've always wanted to see.

I would love to visit Beijing, China just to see the following places: flickr.com/photos/csfoo/2765163167/ The Forbidden City flickr.com/photos/bmgallery/2782058648/ The Bird Nest flickr.com/photos/etherflyer/1404279039/ The Temple of Heaven flickr.com/photos/51661271@N00/2174943150/ Beihai Park http://www.flickr.com/photos/35020137@N07/3365122538/ National Centre for the Performing Arts.

Hongkong for sure! It's the best place to eat, shop, and have fun with economical price compared to a lot of cities in the world. The new Disneyland surely doesn't hurt.

Now, I think I'll visit Hongkong next summer with the $$ I get from Mahalo. :).

If you want to play with fire and have money to burn, philippines is the place excitement, adventure, challenges and also wonders and beauties. 1st 2nd photo: presently acting up again 3rd underwater tunnel or river cave one of the longest in the world- palawan 4th Tubbataha reef ,one of the best dive sites in the world , more diverse than the great barrier reef 5th one of the 7000 island to choose you can visit 6th pilipina ladies 7th muslim abu sayab group- who kidnap terrorist for fun and release or hehead them afterwards.

I would visit Bangkok because of its beautiful temples and its vibrant nightlife.

I'm going to visit Tokyo! :) Japan is one of the countries I'd like to visit too. I've known a few friends there so it's nice to visit them as well.

I will visit Tokyo and also some provinces that still has old structures. Japan has lots of places where their cultural heritage is being well preserved. -- Hmm... you guys can visit the Philippines too if you want!

Haha! I could tour you around. ^^ Though our country isn't as modern as other countries, we have some great beaches here and many other beautiful places too!


I would visit either Tokyo or Kyoto. I love how Japan has so much history and yet is so modern....I wish I could go one day.

Tokyo for sure. It is both amazing and inspiring, confusing and beautiful. It's also *very* expensive for a US traveler so make the most of any time you spend there!

DEFINITELY visit the it's amazing! And of course Tokyo Disney is cool, but you'll be inspired by the Imperial Palace too!

I would love to visit Singapore at Christmas time. I have looked up some of the events that are coming up this Christmas season and the pictures of past events are amazing. Plus Singapore is known to be one of the most friendliest Asian cities, so I feel comfortable knowing I'm not going to be gawked at for being a white American.

If given the chance I would visit the city of Macau in China. My cousin who toured there told me it is one of the must-see places in Asia. There are lots of interesting places to visit like the museums, the gardens, Macau World heritage, churches, temples, outlying islands and fortresses.

If I could visit one Asian City, I would pick Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. I've already traveled all over Japan and been to Shanghai and Beijing.

China town ;-) most cost effective to get some sort of Asian experience realistically i'd like to go to shanghai china, ever seen the movie ultraviolet. It was filmed there... looks like it's the future....

My pick goes to Barcelona for a number of reasons. Unlike many of the huge European cities, Barcelona has a relaxed and friendly pace. In my experience the overall mood of the city is only rivaled by Amsterdam.

Barcelona also has beautiful beaches. Although many parts of Spain are better known as beach locations, Barcelona has a very pleasant waterfront. The city is home to some amazing museums, most notably the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art, and the Picasso museum.

But, the main reason I pick Barcelona is for the extraordinary work of Antonio Gaudi. S hugely original work makes Barcelona a unique place to visit. All over Barcelona you can see Gaudi's distinct work, and the massive Sagrada Familia is a world famous symbol of the city.

Casa Mila Parc Guell Casa Batallo Sagrada Familia.

I would visit Budapest, Hungary. It is one of the less well known European cities that we know about, it is a very romantic, thousand year old city. It has soooo many great sites to see, like the national Gallery and its Royal Palace, which is a typical Neo-Gothic structure(my favorite) I have also heard about the great cafe culture there, with delicious Hungarian cuisine, which I really want to taste!

The city itself also has tons of museums and Neo-Gothic churches and cathedrals, many of which are over a thousand years old. The city is also naturally beautiful since it is situated next to the Danube River, and on the Danube is the place called Margarat Island, where you can talk a long walk and enjoy the beautiful nature or party morning with other young people! The cities is also known for their spas, the ones I want to go are classical ones that date all the way back to the Roman days!

Again, the city is fantastic, it is the typical classical Age city that is very close to nature and close to the past. As many people have put it, Budapest is a big museum in itself!

Prague. :) I made a promise years back to visit Prague. So if I'll be given a chance to go to any European city, I'd pick Prague.

That promise was made about two years ago. The reason for that promise is something concerning my religion. I don't know if people will believe me or what, all I know is that I made a wish, and it was granted... and since then, I promised that one day, I'll visit Prague to say thank you.

:) Though I think it would take a bit longer for me to visit there, I'm still keeping that promise in my heart.

I would visit Munich/Germany during the last 2 weeks in September. This is when the "Oktoberfest" takes place, the huge and famous beer festival in Bavaria. The beer is excellent, the food too and it´s best to go early at about 11 a.m.

When there are not so many people around. Munich also has very lovely shops and cafes. "Dallmayr" is a delicatessen shop which is worth trying out."Marienplatz" is where the townhall is situated with a merry go round in the top tower which plays at 11 a.m.

Townhall means "Rathaus" in German. "Rat" means "advice" and does not refer to the animal "rat". Although views differ on what occupies a "Rathaus" really.

At "Viktualienmarkt", the big open air market behind "Marienplatz" is THE place to buy fresh produce of the best sort (not cheap! ), German bread and cheese, sausages and meat, even venison, fruit and vegetables too. A big fish market is integrated in "Viktualienmarkt", where the finest fish delicatessen from all over Germany can be found.

And of course, there is a "beergarden" where 1 Litre humps of beers with huge pretzels are served by busty waitresses in Bavarian dresses. The churches in Munich are mostly open for visitors and very ornate and loaded with history. On the other side of Marienplatz you would find a church called "Frauentuerme", it has two towers and one is shorter than the other, they had to rebuild one tower after it was bombed in the war and didn´t have enough material.

One can walk all the way up in those towers. There are great museums too and English guide maps and even English speaking tour guides are present. Insider tip: "Valentin museum".

Very funny! If you are really rich, you visit "Theatinerstrasse" where all the shops are that sell first quality clothes, carpets, jewellery etc.Best restaurant must be "Schneider Weisse" also very close to Marienplatz, where they serve a beer called "Aventinus", careful with that, it is really strong! Not to forget, further outside Munich there is the Olympic stadium from 1972 and the Television Tower.

One can take a lift up this tower and sit there in a restaurant which is revolving and admire the view over Munich. The S-Bahn (i.e. "underground") would take you also to nice places like the zoo or for a nice day out you could buy a day ticket or family ticket and visit "Starnberger See".

That is an ornate lake with views to the Alps, one can hire a rowing boat there or a ticket for the steam ship that stops at the "Sissy Castle" and the place where "Koenig Ludwig" was drowned by his doctor (so the story goes). This trip would take approximately 3 hours. Nighlife exists in Munich, but is not very "visible".

Any "Bavarian" might be a "grumpy" person, but will still helpfully advise in basic English if you ask. Surprise yourself by ordering a "Schweinshaxe mit Sauerkraut and Knoedel" in a restaurant, if you are there! And have fun!

I would visit the beaches of Normandy in France. I would love to see what is left from the battles of World War II. Discover the old bunkers that the Nazi's used to try and destroy the American forces landing on the beach.

See all the craters left behind by the pounding of American war ship shells. Breath in the history of the beach and relive in my head the turning point in the war and the struggle to free France from And of course, most importantly, to pay my respects to to the fallen soldiers who bravely sacrificed their lives for what was right for the world.

My dad was in the Air Force, so luckily we got to spend eight years overseas (in Belgium, Germany and Italy - and travelling everywhere else). I have good memories of our stay southwest Germany, so I would love to return there anytime simply for the memories, and Italy was of course fantastic. Belgium was a little rainy and dreary, and the people weren't that interesting I thought, but I haven't been there since elementary school, so I'd love to return to revisit old memories.

But honestly, if someone were to present to me a blank plane ticket to anywhere in Europe that I wanted to go, I would go somewhere I have never been before. Travelling, to me, is not to come back and say "I went here and saw this memorial, and yay! " It's to interact with the people, taste food I've never had before, learn the language, and basically have experiences I wouldn't ordinarily have.

I dislike tourists that travel in their bubble and stick to tour guide groups, and don't actually try to experience the culture. For them, it's all about what can brag about when you get back - travelling shouldn't be like that. Living in northeast Italy for three years, we got the chance to go to Venice a lot.So yes, initially we went to St. Mark's Square and all those things that tourists do - and we were absolutely overrun with tourists everywhere we went.

We thought Venice was just an absolute tourist trap - and if you look at it like a tourist, then it is. But I happened to go back to Venice with my Art story teacher (who used to live in Venice) and she took our class to all these art museums I'd never been to, a part of the island I'd never been to (where people actually live, with apartments and empty squares everywhere you turn), and we even ran across a big paved road with benches and parks - completely not your standard Venice.It was the most enlightening travel experience I'd ever had, that a tourist-overrun island could suddenly have so much else to offer. So my point basically, is that anywhere you go has the potential to be an amazing experience.

It doesn't matter if it has a lot of history or museums or monuments - the locals will have their own history, their own local places to see, restaurants to eat at, and everyone has a bit of their culture and language to offer - if you keep your options open.

When I was 30 I had to do an exhibition in Frankfurt and decided to pay a visit to my mothers birthplace Berlin, so I took a train, and what a journey that was. This was only 6 months after the "wall" came down and the train had to travel through what had been east Germany, how dismal, how dark and how neglected it was Then you enter West Berlin and experience a total transformation. This is an amazing city, it has a distinct border between the old and the new, the east and the west, the cared for and neglected.

Berlin has the most fascinating history and reminders of what that city, and its residents, went through. The first picture is of the Kaiser Wilhelm memorial church, right in the centre of Berlin and has been left, scars and all, as a reminder of the WWII The second is the Brandenburg gate, gateway between east and west, again a reminder. And the third is checkpoint charlie, now a musuem housing all the ingenious inventions used for escape while the wall was standing.

If I can visit one European country I would visit Salzburg in Austria, the place where they filmed the "Sound of Music" movie. Love to see the mountains where Julie Andrews sang "the hills are alive with the sound of music....

Paris. Because I want to visit the Louvre. Greatest art museum in the world.

I fell in love with it ever since I read the Da Vinci Code.

I would go Paris. # Leonardo is one of my favorite personality. And no doubt Monalisa is the qeen of all arts ever.

I heard a lot about it. I saw many images about it. But I don't wanna close my eyes forever before viewing it.So I definitely choose Paris to go Louver Museum.

# Somedays ago I read in a news paper that a girl loves eiffel tower and seriously wanna marry it! (Dr. says Its a mental problem). So I also test that how it can make me great crushed on it.

# Sunil gangopadhay, our one of the most famous writter and poet. While he was living in new york then he loved a lady of Paris. But he lost her forever, nobody know where is she(S.G.'s girlfriend) now.

Someone say may be she raped and killed by blacks or she joined in nun organization.(Not my opinion) Anyway, then he went she's village to find her but couldn't. He missing her still now though he is now a over 50......He often whites in his book where was she's home, in which street, which trees are in front of her house etc.... So I always wish, If I can go there would try to find her if she returned from nun.(If is true.) # In my text book there is a lesson names "Pari" (Stands for paris) there is written that venus de milo is one of the greatest attraction of paris. It will give you a smooth view of a genuine art.

You will discover it same beautiful from every side of view. Also added there the roads of paris is one of the attractive roads over the world. There has been said, pari is the real capital of civilized word.

So I wanna visit it first then another city can be got priority. Every empire looted money,assets,gold,weapons when they won a new state but france looted arts and culture. England looted many many assets, money but where are they now, they are in soil now.

But france looted culture it will be never lost. Arts and culture is everlasting matter. They build them as a heritage fulled country.

So I would say they are actual and everlasting winner over all empires. Thanks safi.

Amsterdam. The history. Places like the Anne Frank house.

You get the canals like in Venice. Over 50 Museums. The food is good and there is a good variety.

Taxes and tips all included! Then there are other attractions of the "adult" type and a certain type of plant is legal there too. Thats if your into those types of things.

A handy guide makes me want to go even more: homepages.cwi.nl/~steven/amsterdam.html.

I'm lucky in having been able to travel to many places, including a lot of the ones that people have listed here. (Comes with being a bit older... more time to have got through them all... and working for an airline for a while didn't hurt either! ) If I were to visit one city that I've not been to, that would be Venice.

In my imagination it's one of the most beautiful and romantic places in the world, so someday I'd like to do it in style. Of the places I've been to, many would be wonderful to revisit, but one place that I'm a complete sucker for is Cambridge. The "Backs" are possibly the single best spot on the planet.



Coming up this May 2010 (in case anyone wanted to send me on a trip) the Monaco Grand Prix will be going on in the principality of Monaco the city of Monte Carlo. I would like to visit and score some great patio race overview seats to see the race and maybe some paddock passes as well. **If you need the contact info for scoring us these tickets I have done my part and retrieved that information for you.

Automobile Club de Monaco visitmonaco.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=Pag... Additional information here BP 464 - 23, blvd Albert Ier MC 98012 Monaco Principality of Monaco Tel: (+377) 93 15 26 00 Fax: (+377) 93 25 80 08 **If the question of where I would like to see the race form won't let you sleep at night or you just have to know early so we can get the best prices... here you go. I would like a race view like this one. However if we have to we can take a yacht and view the race from just off shore we might have a better time this way as we can come and go as we please (the crowds will be manic).

Plus the idea of a yacht will go along way with the ladies. **This site will help you buy or rent a yacht for us to enjoy the scene with. http://yachts.monacoeye.com/files/category-recent-launches.php I like the looks of this one.

See you there!

Monaco! Its the most glitzy and glamourous place ever! Its also the smallest (about 1 x 3 miles?) the most densely populated and the most expensive place in the world for property.

Its second to Las Vegas as a gambling city, full of yachts and fast cars and nice beach and famous streets. Seriously as long as you don't go during racing season you can visit cheap. Fly to Nice, in France, aim to stay here.

You can easily get there by Easyjet cheap from another European city. Get a train from Nice to Monte Carlo, Monaco. This cost me 6 Euros in 2004 takes about half an hour.

Theres the car museum, the royal palace, fish aquarium and more. The famous hair pin bend which is next to the main casino is a must visit as well. If you are a car nut or if you are not, you cant miss this.


I would visit Budapest in Hungary again Reason: 1) It's breathtakingly gorgeous. You feel like you are in a fairy tale. Great architecture, beautiful castles.2) It's romantic.

(Don't go alone, take a loved one) 3) It's not expensive because your dollar is worth a more over there. 4) The people.(Everyone is friendly). It's like a whole different world.

I went there during the winter and when you look up the definition of Winter wonderland....Budapest should show up. I have no words. Hope this helps.

I have visited dozens of European cities. For first-time visitors to Europe - especially Americans - I think London is a great city. Here's why: 1.Royalty.

We love royalty. We love the pageantry, the drama, the fantasy, the architecture, the wealth. All of it.

Just think Lady Diana and you'll understand. Other countries had kings, but when we think royalty, we think England.2. There is a lot of history in London and it is easily accessible.

Plus, it is a history more of us know than that of other European cities. Who knows the history of Prague or Vienna or other beautiful European cities? London provides history we all can grasp.

3.Icons. London is filled with icons like the double-decker busses, Big Ben, the bridges, etc. It is always great fun to see firsthand what you have seen in movies or catalogs. With the exception of Paris (another great city), you will never find a city with more landmarks and icons that people are familiar with BEFORE they go.

4. Culture. Whether it is music, theatre, art, dance, pubs, or clubs, you will find what you are looking for in London.

5. Accessibility. Getting around London is a breeze.

With the Tube, the Heathrow Express and local buses, you can get where you are going quickly. Plus, you get to "mind the gap.

I would love to visit Madrid, because I have never been there and because I am fascinated by Spain. I went to Barcelona twice and fell in love with the city, but I would choose a place I had never been too.

London for the history. Paris for the beauty and food.

I would visit Athens, Greece. Since I was a kid, I was fascinated by the stories about Greece. I have learned about Greek gods and goddesses and have learned to love and believe them, too!

I would love to see Moscow! That city has more history then any city in the world. Starting with 1147.

I think it is an amazing town. flickr.com/photos/44399808@N07/4097287523/ flickr.com/photos/44399808@N07/4097287525/ Being from Europe as a travel tip...I would suggest, if you have the oportunity, go to Viena during the Christmas! It is breathtaking!


I would visit Vatican City to see the Sistine Chapel.

Paris, definately. I'd love to see the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, and the Church where Napoleon is buried. Plus it is called the City of Light, who wouldn't want to see Paris at night?

Paris, because it has amazing architecture and food.

I'd visit Switzerland. I love to climb so that would be fun.

I would visit Rome during early June. A) great history b) fantastic food c) very walkable d) close to the ocean.

I've always wanted to go to Vienna because I know that's where Mozart spent so much of his time. As a Mozart lover and huge fan of classical music, I can't image a better place to go. I think I belong in 18th century Vienna.


I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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