Similar questions: appeal appears received unfair low rating give higher.
No... ...But I will base my rating on the other answers. When I am voting on answers under normal circumstances, I rate them independently of the other answers to that question. I base my rating on things like whether they answered the question in a thoughtful manner, whether they put effort into the answer or just chucked out one line, whether or not they added photos, links, bullet points, or other helpful additions, and the use of answer-enhancing widgets.
I do this because I don't like to be biased by anyone else's answers or opinions. However when I am voting on an appeal, I will often view the other answers and see how my guy did in comparison. If CrazyGal191919 got 4 stars for a two sentence answer with no frills and no widgets, and the person requesting the appeal got 3 stars for a long, thoughtful answer with pics and widgets, etc, then I will definitely give the appealer a higher rating because they had a superior answer.
CopperBoom's Recommendations Justice as Fairness: A Restatement Amazon List Price: $21.50 Used from: $7.99 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 4 reviews) Judges Gavel Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 3 reviews) How Judges Think Amazon List Price: $29.95 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 2 reviews) .
Not consciously. Instead I apply the standards that I have developed for myself in rating answers. As I've said before: With me everyone starts off with a four in ratings.
I'll give you a three if you either don't answer the question or give too terse of an answer. For example, if someone asks who was the greatest hitter in MLB history, if you just say "Ted Williams," the answer is too terse. If you don't answer the question and give a very terse answer, I give a two.
I give a one if you either are totally ignoring the question to preach from an agenda or give an answer to another question totally unrelated question. An example would be answering the baseball question, "Baseball doesn't matter because Bush, Cheney and Haliburton use baseball as a way of disguising their coup against the constitution. " The comment is interesting but way off the mark.
I give a five if the answer to the question appears to be correct (or well reasoned in the case of opinion questions) and there is sufficient literate verbiage to show some reasoning. References to outside authorities are particularly helpful in factually based questions. In appeals of factual questions, I use the other answers--if there are any--as a baseline standard.
If the answer appealed appears to be as good as the others, they get a four. If the answer under appeal was the only one with the correct answer, they get a five. Other than that, I apply my usual standards.In purely opinion questions, I tend to look at the quality and quantity of the verbiage, as well as its reasoning and any supporting research, in gauging an answer.
For purposes of judging the quality of the answer, it doesn't matter to me in the least which side of the question the answer took. The importance is the expression of the idea, rather than the idea chosen.
No, I try to give it a fair rating I consider how I would rate the answer if it were given to one of my own questions, and don't really worry about what the original rating was. Often, I can see why the answerer appealed the rating, and I think they deserve a fair vote from a new group. This does mean that I sometimes rate the answer the same as the original rating, and occasionally lower.
Most of the time, my rating is higher than the original, most commonly 4 stars instead of 3.
I rate on the answer only, ignoring the first rating.... I would like to believe all do so, I wouldn’t necessarily give five just to off set an unfair rating, if you think the question was answered sufficiently then raise to where you honestly believe it belongs and no more. If you received one with the unthinkable one star and deserves at minimum three then vote three, also sending note to the person to report abuse! If it is the ugly one star rating your talking about and deserves four then vote that way, your heart is saying this person was really dumped on so lets even the odds do the logical and stay with the facts and what your head says!
I had an appeal with four star that was great work of art as far as answers go, the one that received the ribbon was not pretty and not as good as the one I must work with. I never understood a shabby answer outdoing the one before me, all I could for them was notify and let them know my finding and praise of great answer you get *****! The lowest I have seen are three rating, some I left at three and others were raised to four the fives got that extra attention from me!
Sources: PC 123 .
No I rate an appealed answer the same as if I was rating a question that I had answered also. I don't try to compensate for the original score. That being said, most (but not all) appealed questions usually are deserving of a higher score and end up at least a 4 when I rate them.... It just seems if we were supposed to try to counterbalance the original score there would be a better way to do it..
What if you still get an unfair vote for a 'real' answer?" "Is it possible to appeal an answer rating..." "Appeal rating even if you have the "Best Answer"" "Welcome to the Askville Anomaly Re-judgment Center. Do you think you got an unfair rating on another question? " "When asked to appeal a rating - what do you do when you are asked to appeal a rating, and you don't think the answer....
Askville states that if one is given a final rating of "wrong", that person can appeal it if...
Is it possible to appeal an answer rating...
Appeal rating even if you have the "Best Answer.
Welcome to the Askville Anomaly Re-judgment Center. Do you think you got an unfair rating on another question?
When asked to appeal a rating - what do you do when you are asked to appeal a rating, and you don't think the answer....
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.