If you had to start a Major League Baseball team around one position player and one pitcher, who would they be?

If I were to build a Major League Baseball team around one position player, it would most certainly be first baseman Albert Pujols. This is not a sexy pick, nor is it going out on a limb to say, but Pujols has ended this debate. S on-field presence is Hall of Fame caliber, his leadership is essential to the St.Louis Cardinals success year after year on a small market budget, and his off-field persona is a model for all professional athletes to follow.

He has become the most feared hitter in baseball with his average and power, but he also has a high IQ for the game by exhibiting excellent base running and Gold Glove caliber defense. He began his career by winning the National League Rookie of the Year Award in 2001 and has since been selected as an All-Star nine times. He also won the National League Most Valuable Player Award three times, as well as the National League Hank Aaron Award, and a World Series ring in 2006.

Jpg|250px|thest Major League Baseball (MLB) players, with their last season in parentheses. Only baseball players who played at least one game when they were older than 45 are included on the list. Active are players in bold type.

Note: Paige's appearance at the age of 59 was for one game, after being out of major league baseball for the previous 12 years. Quinn, who played his last game six days after his 50th birthday, was the oldest major league pitcher to make regular appearances. Note: O'Leary, O'Rourke, Jennings, Street, McGuire and Evers each made one token major league appearance years (or even decades) after their careers had otherwise ended.

The careers of Altrock, Minoso and Latham had also effectively ended many years before their final major league appearances, though each were brought back for token appearances several times (spanning several seasons) before their final game. Julio Franco is the oldest position player to appear regularly. Note: Phil Niekro's start came in the first game of the 1982 NLCS.

However, with the Braves leading the St. Louis Cardinals 1-0, the game was delayed on account of rain. When the rain did not clear, the game was called three outs before it could be considered official, and was restarted the following night with Braves pitcher Pascual PĂ©rez getting the start. The Braves would lose the game 7-0.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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