If you have ever had your car "totalled" by the insurance company after an accident?

If you have ever had your car "totalled" by the insurance company after an accident...... Is there any advice you would give someone going into the process right now. I am concerned when they value the car they won't give us credit for some of the add-on's like Lo-jack and the rear-view camera we had installed. Also, what about sales tax?

Any advice would be appreciated! Asked by happytobeme 55 months ago Similar questions: car totalled insurance company accident Business > Insurance.

Similar questions: car totalled insurance company accident.

They only gave me the kelly blue book value for my year and make and manufaturer add ons, nothing else, I acturally owed more than they gave me. Fight for everything though with reciepts and such to convince the appraser.

Here is what I did..... I was in an accident a couple years ago that totalled my car. The insurance company tried to low ball when they went to pay me for the car, it was an older car but had very few miles on it and was in excellent condition prior to the accident. I went and found ads for cars that were similar to my car that were for sale and was able to get more money for the car.

I would suggest finding out the blue book value for the car ( I would get the private party value and the suggested retain value) You can obtain the blue book value here: kbb.com/ I would also go the edmunds website edmunds.com/ and see how they would value the car at, you can also find ad on their website for other cars like yours that are for sale. If you still feel like they aren't giving you enough for your car, you can always get an attorney to help you. Sources: see websites listed under each part of the answer .

You just have to point it out, and make sure they know what options are there. Make sure they know up front everything you're looking for, and generally the adjuster isn't going to conveniently "forget". When I still lived with my parents, right after I'd parked, some guy backed into my mom's car and totalled it.

S insurance tried to lowball them forgot the tax, etc. However, I have Progressive insurance, and unfortunately I've had two cars totalled under them. They basically both times made sure to give me every penny I could possibly get, there was nothing I had to ask for, nothing I had to fight. But essentially, by law they have to reimburse your sales tax and a prorated portion of your license fee, and if anything was installed in the car custom, they need to cover it.

Chances are if you tell them up front, make sure you consider this, this and this, they're going to take it into account because even if they wouldn't otherwise, they know you won't be bamboozled. You don't have to take the first offer they give you if you think they missed something, just have a conversation with the adjuster and if they forgot anything, just bring up, what about this, this and this, and make sure it's included before you sign the paper and get the check. If they fight you on it and you know you're in the right, you can threaten to contact the insurance commissioner and the attorney general in your state.

My husband was involved in pile up on a highway some years ago. It was someone else's fault, who happened to be drunk, and she was fine. However, she injured several other people (thankfully no one was killed) and totaled 3 cars.

One of those was ours. The car was worth much more to us than it was to the insurance company, being that is was an older car, and unfortunately, the check given to us for replacement did not come close to what we felt the replacement value would be. So, we had the task, due to someone else's negligence, of trying to find a car for $1,500.

Good trick. I don't know what the rules are for add-ons, but I do know they use the blue book value and depending upon how many miles are on your car, etc. , it could significantly decrease its value.My husband had taken very good care of his car, it had high mileage, but he was meticulous about oil changes, maintenance, etc, and the car was paid off and was pretty much priceless to us. That doesn't come into play when they are putting a value on a totaled car.

And, when we bought our "new" car, you have to pay the sales tax, pay to put it on the road, etc.In the end, we were just thankful that he wasn't killed in the accident. He was wearing his seatbelt, so that saved his life. Sources: my life .

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As in I was in an accident in someone elses car.

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I just saved a bunch of money on car insurance by switching into reverse and backing away from an accident! Do you have.

What happens if a person gets in a car accident who has no license or insurance but is in an insured vehicle.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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