If you offer a tip and feel that there is no best answer, would it work to get an option to split the tip for equally good answers to the Q?

That is an excellent idea. I have often read through questions and answers that seem to be somewhat opinion based, and feel that there are sometimes even two best answers. I am often very intrigued by the different perspectives and attitudes towards a topic, and find that there isn't always a best answer, but sometimes several that are very good, and yet express completely separate points of views.

I would be glad to tip each of those who have provided a great answer, even if it contradicts the points of view of another great answer, in appreciation for taking the time to answer the question in a useful and helpful way. Especially if the answer was fully detailed, and addressed each aspect of a multi-faceted question.

Yes and no. As jeffhoard pointed out, you can tip answers individually but they are not tagged as being a possible answer. I'd like to see an option of "Good" answer - or something similar - for the answers that sort of answer the question but are not what you would consider the "Best" answer.

The scenario would be a question asked that had a decent answer, but not one that was truly addressing the question (i.e. A "here's how to go find that yourself" rather than an actual answer with a link to more details) and perhaps there was no best answer. If I could tag that as a "Good" answer (with perhaps a $0.25 or $0.50 tip rather than the full $1 -- or whatever split for higher tip amounts) so that it would float to the top of the answer list and the user would know the question-asker rated it, it might help improve some of the answers given.

That would probably be a pretty good idea, but I have to say some people feel that the tip is not worth it whenever the answer is not exactly what they wanted. So then they just choose no best answer and they don't have to give a tip to anyone. Maybe it'd be a nice option to have, especially if some of the answerers were able to answer part of the question that was asked, but not the whole question.

Yes you can. I do it periodically and works like a charm..Simply select "No best Answer" then go to the answers you thought were good and select the "Tip" Option. You can tip as many people you want.


Yes, I do this anyway using the system jeffhoard describes above. Having an "option" would be great.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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