Now that you can tip on answer starting from 1 cent, would you rather use the $ to vote up question or tip answer that you like?

I will certainly use the "tip username for this answer" and "tip username for this comment" now more than ever. Having to add an entire Mahalo dollar to an intelligent comment or useful answer in the past has sometimes stopped me from tipping the answer or comment but now with the ability to tip in amounts less than a dollar I feel I will certainly be adding Mahalo change to a lot of answers and comments. I will still vote up answers I feel are the best as well, I feel we have to continue to do this for the best answer voting system to continue to develop and work as intended.

I hope everyone adds Mahalo pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters to the useful and intelligent answers and comments out there and adding this feature sure will make it easier. Thanks devs.. lovely work.

I will continue to do both. I vote up good questions so that... - More people see them and they get the quality answers they deserve - Because I too want to know the answer, and I am happy to chip into the pot - An increased pot gives people more reason to answer - Just so that people see a good discussion that they will find interesting I will tip more often on answers and comments now too... - To say thanks to people that gave great answers but didn't make BA - To say thanks for a helpful comment, or even just one that made me laugh - On other people's questions I might tip the answer I thought was best but didn't get BA I guess my only "dilemma" at the moment is what is the right amount to tip. I'll just go by feel on that one for now.

I will do both which is a change for me, because I struggled with the minimum amount in the past. I think both good askers and good answerers deserve to be rewarded, because both contribute to the overall success of Mahalo.

“Just treat the server the way you’d like to be treated and things will work out fine,” says Stahler. On a recent vacation in New Orleans, Leanne Pepper left a 20 per cent tip at a local restaurant because she felt she had been given “exceptional” service. “They knew their wines, they thought of every detail,” says Pepper, who is also the general manager of the University of Toronto’s elite Faculty Club and an etiquette and protocol consultant.

Pepper, not surprisingly, isn’t fond of some Toronto restaurants who are suggesting that diners tip 20 per cent as a minimum. “I think that’s presumptuous. It also makes it very awkward for the diner.

Sometimes you might be with clients and you end up feeling like you’re forced to tip. Tips for servers in restaurants should typically be in the 15 to 18 per cent range, before taxes, says Pepper. Exceptional service could be 20 per cent and above.

But what about other services? Unlike the restaurant industry, or even taxis it seems that Canadians are uncertain who to tip or how much at service providers such as cabs, nail salons and spas. According to a Mastercard survey, 24 per cent of Canadians never leave a tip for these services.

And many are uncertain who to tip and exactly how much. Tipping etiquette varies globally, of course. In some countries, tipping is frowned on.

In fact, in some Asian countries it is considered an insult, since giving good service is a sign of respect. In some European countries, a service charge is already automatically added on to bills. And some travellers going to the sunny South might be surprised to find that some servers expect tips — even if you’re in an all-inclusive.

Concierges: 15 per cent. Taxis: 10 per cent. Hair Stylist: 10 to 15 per cent: “Even if it is the owner, I don’t see an issue with tipping.

Car valet and food delivery person: 10 per cent. If the service is poor, and particularly in restaurants, Pepper says she does not withhold tips. “It could have been an exceptionally busy night and not the server’s fault.

You have to take a look at the whole situation. How do servers determine who’s a good tipper and who isn’t? Here’s a partial checklist from Kim Stahler’s

• Your start your requests with “May I please have . .” rather than “Get me” or “I need.”.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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