It really depends how close you are with your parent. I did the same as you - I moved a couple hours away from home. Just close enough that it's easy to visit, but far enough that they can't drop in on my unexpectedly or too often.
I was never particularly close with my parents. Before I left, I set my parents up with the same instant messenger I use. They stay online 24/7, so it's very easy to talk here and there, or leave them a note.
I'd say I mention something to them (even if it's just a link to news) about once every 2 days. I have a real conversation once or twice per week. Neither of us have cheap long distance, so calling is rare - maybe once a month.
After I've been home to visit, I can easily go a week or two without talking to them online or otherwise. If it's been 6 months since I've seen them, I might call them a little more often to catch up on news. Keep in mind, my mom is the talkative one, so she's the one I communicate to.
The maximum I talk to my dad is maybe once a month for 10 minutes on the phone. He's just not one to have a conversation. But that's just me - like I said, I'm not particularly close with my parents.
When I first moved to college I lived with a roommate who had grown up an only child. This was 3 years ago. She did, and still does, call both of her parents at LEAST once a day, if not twice, and calls each of her grandparents a few times a week.
I've never even spoken to my grandparents on the phone, much less associate with them that often. So it's really up to you. It depends how close you are with your family.
It depends how much you miss them, and how often you feel you need to catch up. It's simple to fall into the groove. If you feel you need to talk to them daily, do so.
If you feel that once every week or two is appropriate, that is alright as well. There is definitely nothing prescribed as to what's appropriate in this situation. If your parents are tech-savvy, I definitely suggest IM - it's cheap, and it's easy to leave notes for each other.
Good luck!
It depends on both you and your parents. I have one mid twenties child I talk to multiple times a day and I have other mid twenty children I only hear from by phone every month or so but communicate by email with them. Communication between two people will be set by the needs of both.
Sometimes I have to tell the child I communicate with the most that she needs to make decisions on her own. She tends to want to ask about everything she is doing. On the other hand, I have one son who lives in my property who I have to remind that he needs to call and keep me up to date on the status of certain things.
It’s just different from person to person and situation to situation. When I was in my 30s I talked to my mom about every other week. Now she is older and so am I and I tend to talk to her every other day just to make sure she is doing ok physically and emotionally.
I am sure you will find the balance but it will change as live evolves.
I think it really depends on the kind of relationship you have with your parents. And I noticed that female children tend to call home more than the male children, but not in all cases though. When I was younger and in college, I used to talk to parents almost every weekend.
I was calling for a while and when I got busier they started doing the calling, but when the internet chats and call thing became the in-thing, the calling was reduced to chatting. But I noticed that by the time I got to see them face to face, I didn’t feel like I have been away for too long. I had a friend that only talks to her parents once a month, but whenever they are on the phone, you could feel the love on both ends.
It really depends on how busy you are and how much your parents understands that and also how the relationship is between you and them. But just try to keep in contact with them as often as you can and it must not be every day.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.