In this time of world recession is losing your home always a bad thing or can some people come out of this with something positive?

I don't believe every single case scenario will be positive. This harsh economic times has hit families really hard, some will survive through it and others will fall apart because of it. Poverty and desperation leads to a rise in crime and there is no way around to say that a lot of these desperate people who would never do anything wrong lawfully aren't considering doing a thing here and there to save what little they have left.

Some are forced to take jobs that pay half as much or even less. Some are working two or three jobs just to make ends meet. Some families have moved into motels and hotels and it may take years before they can fully recover from the heavy loss of losing everything.

This is not different from a natural disaster except there you get government help. Here the folks who have lost their homes, their jobs, what do they get? No, the learning experience may be for the country as a whole but you tell that to the middle class family they are learning a lesson when they've sold everything they've owned and moved to some horrid apartment building.

Some will rebuild. Some families won't come out well at all. It's tragic all the way around.

Millions of people are going through foreclosure because of the recession. This must be a devastating time for them. Some people have been living in their homes for many years, Some have raised children in these homes and have a lifetime worth of memories, only to lose it as a result of the recession.At first, they will feel shock and disbelief that this is happening to them.

The scariest thought is not having a home to live, especially if there are small children involved. In the end, I think people will learn a lesson from all this. People will learn to handle their finances more responsibly.

No one knows when another recession will hit. It is always wise to have some money tucked away. Although savings may not be enough when you are out of a job for months or years, as in the case of some people.

Overall, I think something positive will come out of it.

A recession is temporary, an education is permanent. At your business. Less traffic on the road.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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