It is SO much easier to make a crumb topping! It is two or three, less things to do. While a lattice topped pie looks impressive and is great to offer guests at a dinner party, it does take longer to create.
If you make a crumb top pie, you don't need to roll out the pastry after kneading it and then carefully cut it into strips and create the basket weave appearance which looks so attractive on top of the pie. With a crumb top pie, you just spoon the crumbed pastry mix on top of the pie filling and bake. You can add a little sugar to a topping for a sweet pie, or salt and pepper if it's a savory one.
I have provided some links below for you to sites with recipes for pie crusts.
It is SO much easier to make a crumb topping! It is two or three, less things to do. While a lattice topped pie looks impressive and is great to offer guests at a dinner party, it does take longer to create.
If you make a crumb top pie, you don't need to roll out the pastry after kneading it and then carefully cut it into strips and create the basket weave appearance which looks so attractive on top of the pie. With a crumb top pie, you just spoon the crumbed pastry mix on top of the pie filling and bake. You can add a little sugar to a topping for a sweet pie, or salt and pepper if it's a savory one.
I have provided some links below for you to sites with recipes for pie crusts. Au/images/sweetcrust-pastry-sweet-pies-flans-tarts1.JPG.
The freestone is just the opposite as the flesh of the peach falls easily from the pit making preparation of the fruit much easier. Peaches used for peach pies and cobblers are usually the clingstone variety. Smaller than the freestone, the clingstone is sweeter and juicier.
The freestone and semi-freestone varieties are large, contain less juice but remain sweet. Both the clingstone and freestone can be used to make peach pies. The pies can be a single crust filled with freshly sliced peaches or a lattice-top pie.
A variation of a peach pie is a deep-dish cobbler created with a thicker crust. The cobbler can be enclosed with a solid pastry topping or topped with drop biscuits. The pandowdy is another name for a deep-dish pie.
This dessert is most commonly created using fresh apples but a variety of fruit can be used including fresh clingstone or freestone peaches. To enhance the flavor of the dessert, during baking, the top crust is broken into chunks allowing the peach juice to saturate the crust. Another variation for a standard peach pie is to use fresh peaches in a baked fruit crisp.
The peaches are prepared the same as for a peach pie, but placed in the baking pan without a pastry crust. The peaches can be sprinkled with a flavorful crumb topping. Peach pies can be made using canned peaches or peach filling.
Processed clingstone or freestone peaches are flavorful and do not require any preparation other than opening the can. Processed peaches are ideal for making peach pies when the fresh varieties found at the market are not in season.
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