Is anyone else interested in knowing where the Presidential candidates stand on mental health issues?

I was. Asked by @Goldie_Bah_Humbug 39 months ago Similar questions: interested knowing Presidential candidates stand mental health issues Health > Mental Health.

Similar questions: interested knowing Presidential candidates stand mental health issues.

I'm very interested. But I don't think I've ever seen political candidates discuss this issue before, unless it is to disparage another candidate or their relative (which is not discussing the issue, it's mud-slinging). Remember Eagleton?

The VP candidate with McGovern who had to step aside because he had had (shudder) psychological counseling? I always thought that was quite ironical - you can be way crazy, but don't get counseling, because then you'll be barred from certain jobs, etc. Things are better today but there are still jobs you can't get, like top level security jobs (can you say Haldeman, Erlichman, etc.?). Talk about some nut jobs that never got any help!

I do not mean to make light of any of this because mental health is a really serious issue to me - there are so many psychiatric disorders in my family that I have to joke about it some or else it would be hard to get up every day. Also, there are state hospitals with people in them for life, essentially, with no one who visits them or brings them anything. I found out that the one near me (in Williamsburg, VA - Eastern State Hospital) does not provide personal care items for the patients to include toothpaste, soap, shoes, etc. They simply don't have the funds.My daughter's elementary school used to have a drive to collect these items for donation.

If family members are not around, then the patients must hope for the kindness of others. Then, there are all the patients who were released from state hospitals 20 - 30 years ago, with the "notion" that they would be alright with outpatient care. What a horrible, cruel joke.

Many of these people are homeless now, to include schizophrenics and others in intense psychological distress; some a danger to themselves and/or others. The truth is, the budget was cut. Funds weren't available for inpatient or consistent outpatient care.

Without family support, a seriously ill mental patient will undoubtedly have trouble maintaining a job, a home, staying on their meds, etc. It's a crying shame, and I wish someone in power would step up to the bat about it. Most of our homeless people are mental patients and Vietnam veterans, who were "welcomed" home with spit, jeers, people yelling "baby killer", and not nearly enough support from the Dept. Of Veterans Affairs.

There goes that budget again. I worry about the Iraqi/Afghanistan vets - the administration sure wanted them to sign up and go, but at the same time have been signing legislation decreasing veterans' benefits. Of course, mental health issues are big for Vietnam vets who came back with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) which no one had heard of then, ill effects from Agent Orange (which our government denied caused any problems for years).

By the way, I work at a Veterans' Hospital and am married to a Vietnam vet (for 2 years). Whenever you meet a Vietnam vet, the best thing you can say to them is "Welcome home". You'll be surprised how much they appreciate it, even 30 - 40 years late.

So I am very very concerned with mental health issues, but don't know where to start - I guess we need to write our Congressmen, etc.To get on the stick and pay attention to the mentally ill - a sorely neglected group overall, in my opinion. Sources: personal opinion & experience - worked in mental hospital 2 years, worked in Vets hospital 21 years and counting; amazon. Com anniemdaffodils's Recommendations Street Crazy : America's Mental Health Tragedy Amazon List Price: $14.95 Used from: $6.70 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 8 reviews) Nowhere to Go: The Tragic Odyssey of the Homeless Mentally Ill Amazon List Price: $18.95 Used from: $0.15 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 1 reviews) December Stillness Amazon List Price: $15.25 Average Customer Rating: 3.5 out of 5 (based on 20 reviews) Shopping Cart Soldiers Amazon List Price: $16.50 Used from: $0.01 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 1 reviews) "December Stillness" is for readers 9 - 12, according to Amazon description, I'm thinking it may be grades 9 - 12; have seen this error before.

About a teen who helps a homeless veteran.

1 Thank you - very interesting. I was pleased to see another tiny bit of information on one of Palins views on topics of national importance, since they have not been very forthcoming with that "side" of her. After reading her thoughts and stance on mental health, I can see why they are keeping her quiet.

I cannot wait for the VP debate! "We didnt’t compare the Vice Presidential candidates’ stances on mental healthcare because, frankly, there’s no comparison. Senator Joe Biden has been a long-standing advocate in the Senate for people with health and mental health issues, including protection and full funding for Medicare and Medicaid programs.

He also is on record for supporting full mental health parity and was co-sponsor of the bills brought before the Senate on this issue. Gov. Sarah Palin, has no national record on mental health issues; Alaska received a “D” grade on NAMI’s report card (although Palin took office after this report card was released).

Last week, Alaska and Gov. Palin were sued by the Law Project for Psychiatric Rights to address the “excessive, ineffective, and extremely harmful psychiatric drugging of Alaskan children and youth. ” And her newsworthy mental health efforts in Alaska?

Pushing for more aggressive development of the lands that Alaska’s Mental Health Trust owns.

Thank you - very interesting. I was pleased to see another tiny bit of information on one of Palins views on topics of national importance, since they have not been very forthcoming with that "side" of her. After reading her thoughts and stance on mental health, I can see why they are keeping her quiet.

I cannot wait for the VP debate! "We didnt’t compare the Vice Presidential candidates’ stances on mental healthcare because, frankly, there’s no comparison. Senator Joe Biden has been a long-standing advocate in the Senate for people with health and mental health issues, including protection and full funding for Medicare and Medicaid programs.

He also is on record for supporting full mental health parity and was co-sponsor of the bills brought before the Senate on this issue. Gov. Sarah Palin, has no national record on mental health issues; Alaska received a “D” grade on NAMI’s report card (although Palin took office after this report card was released).

Last week, Alaska and Gov. Palin were sued by the Law Project for Psychiatric Rights to address the “excessive, ineffective, and extremely harmful psychiatric drugging of Alaskan children and youth. ” And her newsworthy mental health efforts in Alaska?

Pushing for more aggressive development of the lands that Alaska’s Mental Health Trust owns.

2 As a person that has several bipolar family members (my sister being the most direct link to me), multiple personality disorder, borderline personality, mania, paranoia and two suicides, you can imagine that mental health is one of the issues that is at the top of my list. I sure wish this was brought to light in all the coverage, but I guess it isn't something that most people want to hear about. Thanks for posting the link, Goldie.

As a person that has several bipolar family members (my sister being the most direct link to me), multiple personality disorder, borderline personality, mania, paranoia and two suicides, you can imagine that mental health is one of the issues that is at the top of my list. I sure wish this was brought to light in all the coverage, but I guess it isn't something that most people want to hear about. Thanks for posting the link, Goldie.

3 A great read. Very very well balanced, I thought.

A great read. Very very well balanced, I thought.

4 I doubt this will change anyone's opinion about either of the candidates. The records are not convincing enough on either side, and appears to reflect political bargaining more than any conviction about the issues. Thanks for digging that up, Goldie.

I have to say, the only way we'll ever get parity for Mental Health care is if we have a single-payer system. Of the two, Obama is closer to that than McCain, but neither advocates it; both advocate pretty much more of the same as we have; and neither's proposals will do diddly to make things better. Again, they are mere political posturing.

Health may be touted as a big issue, but the real world consequences of the policies of the two aren't all that different. McCain will make things a little worse, and Obama might make things a little better, but neither will cut costs significantly, and neither will solve the problem.Again. Single payer.It's the only solution with any chance of making a difference to ordinary people.

I doubt this will change anyone's opinion about either of the candidates. The records are not convincing enough on either side, and appears to reflect political bargaining more than any conviction about the issues. Thanks for digging that up, Goldie.

I have to say, the only way we'll ever get parity for Mental Health care is if we have a single-payer system. Of the two, Obama is closer to that than McCain, but neither advocates it; both advocate pretty much more of the same as we have; and neither's proposals will do diddly to make things better. Again, they are mere political posturing.

Health may be touted as a big issue, but the real world consequences of the policies of the two aren't all that different. McCain will make things a little worse, and Obama might make things a little better, but neither will cut costs significantly, and neither will solve the problem.Again. Single payer.It's the only solution with any chance of making a difference to ordinary people.

" "Following from a question on mental health, several people have asked for my story about The Priory - it's on the DB. " "Should mental health warnings be placed in shopping malls, warning you against getting into debt?" "I am on several meds for mental health and thrroid problems. But no illegal drugs.

Why did I fail my drug test?" "How can I get free mental health services? " "What loan forgiveness programs are available for Masters level graduates, licensed in the field of mental health. " "After shooting, will mental health practices change?" "Mental Health Support" "How do you think we can reform mental health coverage in the U.S.?" "Involulntary committment to mental health facility in Virginia?

Following from a question on mental health, several people have asked for my story about The Priory - it's on the DB.

I am on several meds for mental health and thrroid problems. But no illegal drugs. Why did I fail my drug test?

What loan forgiveness programs are available for Masters level graduates, licensed in the field of mental health.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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