Is Diorite metallic or non-metallic?

Diorite is not an element it is a rock type made up of several minerals. Therefore the term metallic or non-metallic can not be applied to it.

Non-metallic mineral resources in China is rich in many varieties, widely distributed, has proven reserves of non-metallic minerals, 88 kinds. Non-metallic minerals the main varieties of diamond, graphite, natural sulfur, pyrite, quartz, corundum, kyanite, etc. Non-metallic mineral variety of causes, but the magmatic, metamorphic, sedimentary and weathering type is most important, another submarine exhalation is also important, such as pyrite are the main causes. The formation of non-metallic mineral Causes a variety of non-metallic minerals, but magmatic, metamorphic, sedimentary and weathering type is most important, another submarine exhalation is also important, such as pyrite are the main causes.

1, magmatism: magma intrusion or spray the surface to form intrusive rocks formed after the volcanic lava, ash, etc., can form a non-metallic mineral resources such as gray diorite intrusive rock, granite, etc to do high-quality building materials China's famous 'general population' granite floor and produced in India, 'Indian Red' granite are K-feldspar granite, spray the surface to form the floating rock, perlite are essential industrial raw materials, volcanic ash can do agricultural fertilizer. There are two special magmatic kimberlite and the lamproite, which contain abundant diamond inside. Most of the world diamond production at the two on the rock.

2 metamorphism: rocks in basically in the solid state by the temperature, pressure and chemical activity of the role of fluid, the occurrence of mineral composition, chemical composition, rock structure and tectonic changes, the formation of non-metallic deposits of industrial and daily life are commonly used graphite, asbestos, kyanite, andalusite, talc, mica, etc. Nanshu graphite mine in Shandong, Henan, Shaanxi, rutile, asbestos mines are famous domestic origin. 3, sedimentation: exposed on the surface of the rock, ore, in the atmosphere, long-term effect of water, erosion, transport, differentiation, deposition, and ultimately the formation of non-metallic mineral resources, but also by chemical precipitation, direct biochemical role the formation of non-metallic mineral layer is mainly divided into three categories: (1 placer, mainly by water, ice, wind and so the formation of separation, such as diamond, rutile, zircon, monazite and other rare minerals can be divided by this mechanical different process, enriched mineralization, (2 biochemical effects, such as phosphate can be directly by the accumulation of bird droppings form, diatomite ore deposits formed by the remains of diatoms, and volcanic eruptions in addition to the sulfur mineral etc., (3 chemical formation of the salt, salt and indispensable human and industrial use of gypsum, saltpeter, potassium used in agriculture, medicine, salt, etc. are the benefits of reducing salt evaporation crystallization process of chemical precipitation causes. 4, weathering: exposed on the surface of the rock or ore, after a long rain, light, oxidation, biological role of the process, leaving the surface chemical composition, mineral face of change, to form for the use of non-metallic materials daily indispensable to life and industrial minerals in the clay and more for this cause, such as kaolin, bentonite, etc. are made of rock weathering, this role is to provide mankind with the production of ceramic, cosmetics, environmental control products, pharmaceuticals, paint and other substances in raw materials.

Expansion point of view, even the survival of all things formed by weathering of the soil is non-metallic resources. Main varieties of non-metallic mineral As diamond, graphite, natural sulfur, pyrite, quartz, corundum, kyanite, sillimanite, andalusite, wollastonite, sodium saltpeter, talc, asbestos, blue asbestos, mica, feldspar, garnet, pyrophyllite, diopside, tremolite, vermiculite, zeolite, alunite, mirabilite, gypsum, barite, witherite, trona, calcite, Calcite, magnesite, fluorite, precious stones, jade, onyx, limestone, chalk, dolomite, quartzite, sandstone, natural quartz sand, quartz, diatomaceous earth, shale, kaolin, ceramics, soil, fire clay, attapulgite, sepiolite, illite, tired asked Stone, bentonite, gabbro, marble, granite, salt, potassium, magnesium, iodine, bromine, arsenic, boron, phosphorus and so on. Use of non-metallic mineral Non-metallic minerals according to their use can be divided into seven categories: non-metallic mineral processing industry, machinery, instruments and meters industry non-metallic minerals, electrical non-metallic mineral industry, chemical industry non-metallic mineral, silicate industrial non-metallic minerals, non-natural stone industry metallic minerals, arts and crafts minerals.

Distribution of major mineral non-metallic mineral Sulfur 760 many proven mining, total reserves equivalent to 1.493 billion tons of sulfur, ranking second in the world. Pyrite are Qingyuan, Liaoning Province, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Dongshengmiao, Jiashengpan, charcoal kilns, Jiaozuo, Henan Province, Shanxi Province Yangquan, Lujiang Anhui, Maanshan, Tongling, Jiangsu Province, Meishan, Zhejiang Province, Qu County, Jiangxi Province Chengmenshan, Wushan, Dexing, horizontal, Ning, Guangdong Province, a large Baoshan, where the mouth, Red Rock, a large fall flat, spring , Fengshan, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Central River, Sichuan Yongxing text classification, Gulin, Yunnan Province, Fuyuan and other mining areas. Natural sulfur mainly large, Shandong Province, Hankou deposits.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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