Is it finally time for some strict gun control and nation wide bans in America?

I am Australian and I can attest to the effectiveness of good gun control. There are very few firearm related deaths in Australia. Break and enters are significantly less violent despite what conservative Americans think.

When a criminal breaks into a house in Australia he isn't worried that there is a redneck nutcase with an M16 waiting around the corner for him so he brings a knife or no weapon at all and since most people have home and contents insurance it is a relatively uneventful although somewhat traumatic event emotionally. In America it turns into a shoot out usually resulting in family members dying and more often than not the offender escaping anyway. The police are well armed and you can expect a swift and deadly response from our police force in the event a firearm is found to be being used.

As a member of the military I can say that seeing American civilians playing with assault weapons is one of the most frustrating things I have seen. The vast majority of them have no idea what they are doing nor do they understand the effect these weapons have or any respect for proper weapon safety. They regard the safety on and not pointing it at someone as satisfactory.

They don't properly clear the chambers of their weapons and they regard shooting as "fun" and "recreation". Shooting is about killing it is not fun, it is a necessity of the world we live in that I wish was not the case.

The United States will never ban guns, Guns are not the cause of murders or violent crime. PLEASE;...;... READ THESE! You will get a much better understanding of why that is.

As a mother I want to FINALLY see some regulations on assault weapons (like glocks and other high capacity assault weapons). Please listen politicians! The NORMAL Americans are on your side!

There is NO reason to have things like pistol grip sawn off shotguns, high capacity assualt weapons (like AK47s, M16s and AR15s), guns with folding stocks and barell shrouds. What can you use these for besides killing!? Why should rifles be banned? Total murders...13,636.....100.00% Handguns....6,452......47.32% Firearms (type unknown)..1,928......14.14% Other weapons (non-firearm, non-edged)...1,864......13.67% Edged weapons...1,825......13.38% Hands, feet, etc.....801.......5.87% Shotguns..418.......3.07% Rifles..348.......2.55% RIFLES ARE THE LEAST MISUSED OF ALL FIREARMS! KNIVES ARE USED 5 TIMES MORE TO KILL PEOPLE THAT ANY TYPE OF RIFLE! REGARDLESS IF IT HAS A PISTOL GRIP OR BAYONET LUG!

"Why does no one understand that gun control would work if ALL of the guns were banned and not just some? ALL need to go! That includes everyone!"

Do you mean the government too? The police? Police and the state lose guns ALL the time!

"With the gun show loophole THOUSANDS of silenced full auto assault rifles are used in crimes every year! Not to mention all of the guns without safeties! What is to stop a gun from going off without a safety?

No one has any comon sense?" I hope you know that fully automatic weapons (AND SILENCERS) have been strictly regulated by the federal government, it's EXTREMELY hard to obtain one and there has only one TWO homicides with legally owned fully automatic weapon since they were regulated in 1934. As well as the "pistol grip sawn off shotguns" you mentioned under the same National Firearms Act of 1934.

Guns don't "go off" if they don't have a safety. Someone MUST PULL THE TRIGGER for it to fire. You are SEVERELY misinformed about guns.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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