Worldwide, there are about 92 million new cases of Chlamydia each year. It is the most common bacterial STD that is reported. The bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis is responsible for this STD that commonly infects the cervix of women and the urethra and rectum in men and women.
The throat and eyes can also become affected; however, this is far less common. If Chlamydia is caught early on and is properly treated, it generally doesn’t cause serious long term health effects. Because this sexually transmitted disease often has no symptoms it is often referred to as a silent STD and a great deal of time may pass before a person ever realizes that they have been infected.In women, serious consequences of untreated Chlamydia are plentiful, the biggest worry is usually Pelvic Inflammatory Disease or PID.
When a bacterial infection, such as Chlamydia, makes it way upward into the upper reproductive tract, PID can occur. Pus-filled, swollen and scarred fallopian tubes, uterus and other areas are frequent results from this occurrence. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications are generally given orally to treat the infection.
However, surgery is also sometimes necessary. PID is the number one cause of preventable infertility within the United States. Every time a female is infected with Chlamydia, she increases her chances of becoming infertile.
Ectopic pregnancy, chronic pelvic pain and although rarely, death can also occur. Taking one’s sexual health seriously is the most productive and successful way to make certain this does not occur.It is of extreme importance that both women and men are regularly tested and if necessary treated for Chlamydia and other types of bacterial infections. In pregnancy Chlamydia is a double threat as this STD could potentially affect the health of an infected woman’s baby.
Pre-term birth, infant eye infections and pneumonia is associated with women who go untreated during their pregnancy. Chlamydia eye infections top the list of leading causes of preventable blindness in infants worldwide. It is of extreme importance for all sexually active individuals to test routinely for STDs.
However, if you are pregnant or are even thinking of becoming pregnancy, it is crucial not only for you, but for the health of your child to make certain your are as healthy as possible as soon as possible during your pregnancy.
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