Is it legal to Twitter while driving?

Due to the frequency of this question, please visit the Mahalo page, Texting Ban, for more great information. Please check the Governors' ghway Safety Association (GHSA) link below to see your state's current laws regarding cell-phone use (which includes texting). If your state isn't currently listed among those who have bans, you may wish to do a search to see if legislation is pending.

Search words: texting +ban +legislation +(state) You may also want to click your state's link in the GHSA list to get more information about other highway-safety laws. The following is a partial answer that I gave to a similar question ("Am Twitting while driving. Is it legal?") less than a month ago.

"Currently, six states have banned handheld cell-phone use (which includes texting), 18 states have banned texting, and 33 states are considering bans on texting. You'll need to research the law or the legislation in your state." The preceding statistics are based on another article (see "teen fatalities"), but please go by the GHSA list.

"While I have not been able to uncover any statistics, it seems that many fatalities around texting are due to running stop signs and include the train wreck in California that killed 25 people. All it takes is one time to run a stop sign and hurt or kill someone to recognize that texting while driving is dangerous. Unfortunately, the results are irreversible.

Please reconsider your need to text while driving. " Respectfully, Shin.

The short answer to this question in every state is no. Whether there is a specific ban on texting or not, every state I know of has a rule against reckless driving and you will never win in court saying that sending a tweet or an email wasn't reckless. This is why bans on texting are pointless in my opinion.

We already have laws on the books that account for the behavior and making a very narrow rule doesn't add anything except confusion.

That depends on which state you live in. In some states like NJ it is illegal to text while driving. Other states like NV haven't made it a law yet.

The following is a partial answer that I gave to a similar question ("Am Twitting while driving. Is it legal?") less than a month ago. "Currently, six states have banned handheld cell-phone use (which includes texting), 18 states have banned texting, and 33 states are considering bans on texting.

You'll need to research the law or the legislation in your state.".

This completely depends on your state. But more and more states are enacting laws that prohibit texting and Tweeting or twittering would fall under these laws. Good Luck and Drive safe!

That's two stories in two days. What's going on?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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