Is it worth it to buy an iTouch if you have an iPhone?

Aside from the fact that the iPhone can make calls to any type of phone connected to a land line, cellular network, or the internet, the iPhone 4 and the fourth generation iPod Touch are identical in functions and perform the same applications. Both devices can contact any other iPhone or iPod Touch as long as they are the same models, since these are the ones out-fitted for FaceTime. For instance, a fourth generation iPod Touch cannot contact any of its predecessors as it is the first iPod to have a webcam and to feature FaceTime.

With that said, neither device offers better applications over the other because they both run the same ones. In the end, your iPhone is able to perform just as many functions as an iPod Touch along with the fact that it can make phone calls, so you are not missing out on anything if you don't have the latter. The point of the iPhone is to have all the features of an iPod built into a smart phone, which is ultimately for creating the greatest amount of convenience, which is somewhat defeated by having another iPod.

However, if you are still keen on having an iPod along with your iPhone, then I would suggest that you buy a smaller model, such as an iPod Nano or Shuffle, so as to avoid the bulkiness of having two devices of the same dimensions in your pocket as you move about. However, if you prefer the touch-screen interface of the iPod Touch over the smaller touch-screen of the latest Nano or the click-wheel of the latest Shuffle, then, by all means, go for the Touch.

I love the itouch a screen and can type with 2 hands on the itouch but the htc will be different looks sexier and the iphone is an older gadget. I have itouch generation 1 and love the feature where you put a song close to your speaker and it finds the song via iTunes and way it finds resturants etc. I am with o2 anyway so will be easier to upgrade to the iPhone as I am due an upgrade next month as been with 02 for 15 months. I might get one this week if o2 let me pay a month upfront so I can purchase the iPhone in the week rather than next month.

I just realy want to know is of worth upgrading to an iPhone if I have an itouch and apart from txts and phone calls and having a version 2 iPhone rather than version 1 itouch what are the other differences? #2 chelsea. How easy is it to jailbreak and can I watch BBC iplayer and skyplayer?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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