It is all about the individual. If they are happy and confident in whom they are, I have no doubt that it does not matter what any of us think. I even give those women who choose not to even dye their hair a heck of a lot more credit for not sub coming to society's ideas on graying women.
I also do not judge does who dye their hair to look younger. It probably makes them feel better or may even make the job more secure depending on the industry they work in. Right now one of my sons has a Mohawk, the other one's hair is blue, I have a bunch of grey and a receding hairline, and my wife hair is almost to her waist.
Last year it was cropped above her ears. And we are all very happy and I never once considered what others thought.
Long gray hair is not typically trendy or in style. However, to each his own. Many older people get stuck in a hair style they once loved many years URL1 may have looked good in 1982, but does not necessarily look great now.
Instead of trying something different, it is easier to stay with a style they knew once looked great. I personally agree with you. Gray hair looks best kept short, neat and "in style.
" Men can wear gray hair very short and even keep up with the latest trends. Gray hair can then be beautiful. Women can consider dying their hair or keeping it shorter and in style as well.
Men can of course dye their hair as well. But, do to the fact that they may choose to do it at home and come out "too dark" in color. I suggest either going to a salon or just simply keeping it gray.
Just my thoughts!
Long gray hair is not typically trendy or in style. However, to each his own. Many older people get stuck in a hair style they once loved many years ago.
It may have looked good in 1982, but does not necessarily look great now. Instead of trying something different, it is easier to stay with a style they knew once looked great. I personally agree with you.
Gray hair looks best kept short, neat and "in style. " Men can wear gray hair very short and even keep up with the latest trends. Gray hair can then be beautiful.
Women can consider dying their hair or keeping it shorter and in style as well. Men can of course dye their hair as well. But, do to the fact that they may choose to do it at home and come out "too dark" in color.
I suggest either going to a salon or just simply keeping it gray. Just my thoughts!
Both the husband and wife had a full head of strikingly beautiful grey hair by their mid-30s. Now in their 50s they have not let it be a negative influence in their life and it has become a positive symbol of beauty for both of them. I also met a woman last summer who is a missionary in Japan.
She is about 50 and has lovely long grey hair. It looks great on her. There are things you can do about your hair if you really do not like the grey color.
I know I toyed for a short time with the idea of having my grey streaks colored, but finally decided that for me the natural look is the most flattering. However, since Im not personally a fan of hair coloring, my thinking on that subject may be colored (sorry for the pun) :-). Im sure there are others who visit this site who can give you excellent advice on hair coloring, if that is the direction you decide to follow.
You might also consider a style that is flattering to the grey hair. Dare I suggest you might want to grow it longer? Or cut it shorter (sorry Dave, I had to say it, but perhaps you can provide some examples of well known long haired women with grey hair that might be encouraging to A.S.B.) Personally I think a longer hair would be more flattering to your grey, but you need to go with whatever style pleases you the most.
I wish you well on your decisions and trust that you will find a solution that enhances your personal appearance and gives you the self confidence you desire. Perhaps you feel you have been dealt grey hair at a prematurely early age, but that is no reason for despair. Let it be your crowning glory and your natural beauty will shine through.
You deserve the best, so go for it!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.