Doubtful. Unless you or your family has some kinds of political power, the police probably won't do anything useful in this case. They would have to go to a judge and get a warrant.
Then once they get the information, if it reports an IP address, they'd have to get another warrant for the ISP who owns that address. There's no guarantee that the ISP will have the information on which customer was using that address at any given date or time. If the IP address is out of their local jurisdiction other departments will have to get involved.
If it's outside your country you can pretty much forget about tracking down the culprit. It could take years before anything is solved. It doesn't seem worth the time or effort, especially since no money is involved.
Security Now might be a good opportunity to learn about online security. First, make sure you have an anti-virus installed. I recommend Avast!
Or Microsoft Security Essentials. Both are free. Supplement that with an anti-malware program like Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware.
Make sure your running the latest version of your web browser and your OS to avoid un-patched security holes. If you're running Windows XP, think about upgrading your computer. XP is now 10 years old and mainstream support ended in 2009.
As it continues to age it will be come an even bigger target for viruses and other malware targeted to steal personal information. Use secure passwords that you can also remember. Never reuse a password anywhere.
If one of your passwords does get compromised, you've only lost the one account. The JavaScript pass phrase generator in the link below is really good. A four word password is really secure and it uses words that are easy to remember.
No password is uncrackable but it will take a long time to break one of those four word passwords. A person trying to hack one of those would have to be really dedicated. They would probably move on to other, less secure, accounts than bother with one of yours.
People hack Facebook accounts everyday. It's like hacking a Runescape account. The police will do nothing.
Best thing would be to report it to Facebook and get them to shut it down.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.