While the Marvel Comic Book App certainly has gained the most attention both in the press and the App Store, there are a variety of other comic book readers. Here is one called Comic Reader Mobi: youtube.com/watch?v=smRIKw23FWA&feature=... Plasq's Comic Life costs $25 - $30 and has a 30 day trial: plasq.com/comiclife/
Quite simply, it is very easy to export a comic book that is prepared for print to a PDF. As a result, many authors and publishing houses make virtual copies of their comic books available for purchase online in PDF. You can convert PDF's to the ePub readable format required by the iPad.
Here is a guide: How to convert PDF to ePub.
There are a handful of other Comic Book Apps for the iPad including: -IDW Comics -The Carrier (author Evan Young and publisher StopWatch Media) -iVerse Comics (Marvel, Image, IDW, and Archie Comics and many smaller studios including Antarctic, Boom! , Red 5 and more) -Transformers Comics(IDW) -Star Trek Comics(IDW) -GiJoe Comics(IDW) -Luke McBain(comic book from 12 Gauge Comics by David Tischman and Kody Chamberlain) -Vervm(Joshua Emmons and Katie Cook) -Archie Comics -Carnival Comics(including Murphy's Law, Carnival of Souls, Funhouse of Horrors, and Everyone Loves a Clown) As you can see there are a couple of apps that are more specific and a couple that cover a broad number of comics. The Marvel, Transformers, Star Trek, etc Apps are all specific Apps.
If you look at the iVerse Comics App you will notice that is contains almost every other comic book app's contents all in one. I think that is the best choice, it's basically the Comis Book App Store.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.