Which is better dc comics or marvel comics?

Wow you got a lot from the last person DC often displays great power in their heroes while Marvel usually keeps the heroes the underdogs making the comics and shows more suspenseful Young Justice is breaking the trend Comic-wise... it's your preference That is a matter of personal preference, as there is no gold standard as to what makes a good comic book, since Marvel and D.C. Approach fictional characters differently. One thing for sure though, the pantheon of D.C.Comic book characters is definitely more powerful than the Marvel pantheon. In fact, the whole reason Stan Lee started Marvel is because he was fed up with DC's "omnipotent" characters.

When Stan Lee was a boy, no one was faster than the Flash for example, no one was stronger than Superman, and no one could outwit Batman. The heroes were the very best, and NO ONE was better than them, NO ONE. Sound stupid?

Stan Lee thought so; that's why he started Marvel Which is better is really dependent on what you want; if you want a reasonably complicated plot, with a simple detective story, probaly D.C.("Detective Comics"). The pantheon of D.C. Characters, even space faring ones such as the different Green Lanterns, are all detectives. The best detective in the D.C.Universe of course is Batman.

If what you are after are emotionally tortured, more "human" superheroes, then easily Marvel. My problem with Marvel though is the sheer number of whiny superheroes; even Batman rarely complains about what happened to him, same with Superman Yes! We freakin' get it Peter Parker!

Life in New York sucks for a nerd! In a city that is the capital for sadistic skanks, and people are generally not nice to nerds in the first place, yes Peter Parker we know! New York is the LAST place a nerd should be!

SHUT UP! Sorry for that angry rant about your friendly neighbor you know who, but it was to make a point I'm sure you understand, regarding Marvel characters. People don't like whiny heroes; we can whine, and we tolerate other people whining, but for christ's sake, NOT someone with super powers!

The absolute worst are the X-Men; the only one of the X-Men who doesn't whine is Wolverine, I suppose though, that's why he's so popular. Ever since the number of anxy, angry male teenagers has increased since the 1970's, I've observed that Wolverine's popularity and appeal, have increased with it Modern teenagers must be angrier than ever, even angrier than my generation of teens (I'm a 1990's old geezer), because, Wolverine seems more popular than ever. I find that trend a bit disturbing.

One of the things I most hated as a teenager, was being treated like I was some sort of creature and not a person yes, we need to reach teenagers, talk to them...." do they still use that rhetoric? You know, the way adults were condescending, arrogant, and how they would speak to you the way they were adressing an animal that could talk..... do they still do that? Damn man, then, I feel sorry for you; the fastest way to get adults to shut the hell up is to just play along until they climb off you good luck http://wiki.answers.com/Q/User:

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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