I've been to the Nashville zoo several times, and it is pretty unique. I like the old mansion they have there, and I would highly recommend stopping there first to get a quick history lesson about the land the zoo now sits on. It is extremely interesting!
Other than that, not much else stands out about the zoo, but it is a good way to spend a few hours if you like animals. There are no extremely unique animals, but there are some cool things for kids if you have them. In summary, it's not as great as some of the big named zoos, but it is definitely worth a visit!
Nashville Zoo at Grassmere - Come See What's New at the Zoo! Nashville Zoo is happy to announce the Jan. 12th birth of a male Baird’s tapir. Hippity Hoppity, Eggstravaganzoo is on the way!
Collect the kids and bounce over to the Zoo on Saturday, March 30 for our 15th annual Eggstravaganzoo! The Davidson County Master Gardeners are here to answer all your gardening questions at special gardening classes every Saturday during March and April. Take a trip Down Under at Kangaroo Kickabout, Nashville Zoo's newest exhibit set to open in summer 2013.
Critter Encounters and the Tiger exhibit are currently closed for maintenance. Nashville Zoo at Grassmere - Come See What's New at the Zoo! Felix, our baby Baird's tapir born Jan. 12, loves snacking on bananas, hanging out with mom Houston, and exploring his exhibit.
Nashville Zoo is hosting a job fair for anyone interested in working at the Zoo during the 2013 summer season. All content ©2013 Nashville Zoo at Grassmere, All Rights Reserved. SIGN UP FOR E-NEWS UPDATES.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.