Is there a iPhone app for taking a tour of New York City, New York?

Yes! There are numerous iPhone apps for touring New York City, New York! There are apps for the subway system, such as NYC Subway Map by MXdata.

Indispensable if you are going to self-tour. There is also The Scoop by the New York Times which offers some unique suggestions on places and events to see. NYC Way by My City Way offers a comprehensive app, including restroom locations (important in NYC!), events, shopping, galleries and just about everything a visitor could need.

New York Travel Guide by Guidepal offers more events, sights to see, nightlife and quick facts about the city and areas, along with suggestions for tourists. All of these apps have received glowing raves from users.

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To buy and download NYC Audio Tours by KCI Innovations, LLC, get iTunes now. Already have iTunes? Click I Have iTunes to open it now.

Open iTunes to buy and download apps. NYC Audio Tours is the most exciting and convenient way to explore New York City! This app combines texts and audio while walking you through interesting sights, as well as the history of New York, in an informative and entertaining way.

Extensive AUDIO articles take you to more than 12 areas in New York (more than 100 historical and interesting places!), from Greenwich Village, SoHo, Theater District, Central Park, to Little Italy, Chinatown, Wall Street, Brooklyn Bridge, Harlem, and many more. This iPhone app includes not only historical places and landmarks, but also a little of everything, from worthy restaurants, hotels, bars, clubs, and museums to local shops. NYC Audio Tours App brings together popular sights and places you never noticed passing by and presents them in an exciting way.

It gives you the opportunity to experience and learn about New York, its history, architecture, historic neighborhoods, outdoor markets, popular bars, fancy restaurants, but also great inexpensive holes in the wall, nice little boutiques, electronic stores and cozy places to go. This is what makes NYC Audio Tours interesting to both visitors and New Yorkers. No longer is there a need to make that last minute race to your local bookstore to pick up a travel guide.

Everything you need is provided in this app. It’s a real professional tour guide in your pocket all the time. ***WRITTEN and AUDIO description of ALL sights.

***Hundreds of listings including restaurants, hotels, bars, museums, shops and historical sites across the city. ***Filters that allow users to pick up restaurants, hotels, bars, shops, according to their price, location, cuisine. ***A "Near Me" feature which allows users to find all attractions in a 15 mile radius.

***Directions and mapping feature for every listing. ***Address, website address, phone number, prices, metro station name, hours of operation, for every entry. ***Children-friendly attractions and destinations.

When I was in high school, I had a techer that pointed out that he believed that every term under eight letters long in the English language will eventually be used at some point as a defaming word of some type of person. He then started writing words on the blackboard that were used as defaming words, and filled the board when he pointed out that he had another forty to go. As for the word, "gay," as long as the homosexual community uses the term, "gay," to describe themselves, it will continue to be used the way that it is now.

Remember that the gay community no longer consideres the term as defmatory, but as a descriptive adjective. As for schools that would change the terminalogy of a song in a case where the word, "gay," is used, shouldn't they jump on the fully PC bandwagon and ban any word that could be used to defame a community? Maybe they should trhow out all of the, "black," crayons.

Maybe they should stop serving, "crackers," in the cafateria. They should go into the school library and toss all of the children's books that have, "fairies," in them. While they are at it, maybe they should.

When I was in high school, I had a techer that pointed out that he believed that every term under eight letters long in the English language will eventually be used at some point as a defaming word of some type of person. He then started writing words on the blackboard that were used as defaming words, and filled the board when he pointed out that he had another forty to go. As for the word, "gay," as long as the homosexual community uses the term, "gay," to describe themselves, it will continue to be used the way that it is now.

Remember that the gay community no longer consideres the term as defmatory, but as a descriptive adjective. As for schools that would change the terminalogy of a song in a case where the word, "gay," is used, shouldn't they jump on the fully PC bandwagon and ban any word that could be used to defame a community? Maybe they should trhow out all of the, "black," crayons.

Maybe they should stop serving, "crackers," in the cafateria. They should go into the school library and toss all of the children's books that have, "fairies," in them. While they are at it, maybe they should....

Most people misunderstand the definition of the word, "Gay". Gay is an adjective meaning "carefree", "happy", or "bright and showy". That said, THIS is the GAYEST thing I have ever seen.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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