Is there a new fall television show that you are looking forward to watching?

From the previews that I've seen, many of them don't look very interesting. I plan to watch "Cane". I hope it will be worth tuning in to each week.

Asked by txteacher 52 months ago Similar questions: fall television show forward watching Entertainment > Television.

Similar questions: fall television show forward watching.

I'm looking forward to... Kid Nation which will premeire on Wednesday, Sept. 19 on CBS. Here's a summary from cbs.Com: "40 children, 40 days, no adults—eager to prove they can build a better world for tomorrow in the new reality series KID NATION.

Settling in Bonanza City, New Mexico, once a thriving mining town but now deserted, these kids, ages 8 to 15 and from all walks of life, will build their own new world, pioneer-style. They will confront grown-up issues while coping with the classic childhood emotions of homesickness, peer pressure and the urge to break every rule. Episodes end with a town meeting in which the kids award one child a gold star worth $20,000, all leading to the grand finale, with an unimaginable test, the biggest awards and a special surprise for every child.

" ...I just hope they aren't provoked by the producers to do or say certain things. It's a reality show, but you know how they go! I think it will be interesting though, as I love to get into the heads of children & understand what they think.

Sources: .

Kid Nation I'm curious about the quasi-social experiment show called Kid Nation. Kind of like Lord of the Flies in reality tv-ville..

I have two in mind.. Like yourself I am looking forward towards Cane, it looks like and interesting theme. Maybe its something like a Latin Sopranos? Also looking forward towards seeing Journeyman.

I like SciFi and to me the time travel theme has always been interesting .

If I pick 1 Up--I must put 1 Down** Every new season I have to choose which new ones to try--and this year I'm going to let one go, if I pick a new one up 'cause hey, I can't always watch TV. In the past couple of years I've gotten instantly attached to a few series that didn't make it--and that angers me and makes me less likely to want to try that networks 'new' ones in the future. Example?

Two years ago, I liked Surface and Invasion: I hate it that networks won't give programs a decent time to build an audience. And I loved JERICHO this past season. We ardent fans have won it a reprieve from cancellation---so I urge all of you to watch it--cause the writing is really really good!

Next year I am already eyeing: Fox: K-Ville Police in New Orleans, written by the guy who did NYPD Blue and The District. NBC JOURNEYMAN A San Francisco Newspaper reporter mysteriously begins to time travel to the past. He ends up changing some things, for better some for not.

When he gets 'home' he has to explain his sudden absence to his wife. In the past he meets his 1st love. Wonder what I'd do if I went back and found my 1st love again...written by West Wing guy.

Good writer. ABC I'll probably try CaveMan, comedy, series. I like the commercials.

But as a rule, American comedy's are not my cup of tea;-) I hate canned laughter. ABC Private Practice Because I love Gray's Anatomy. ABC Women's Murder Club group of female detective team by books of James Patterson CW Life Is Wild A family gets transferred to South Africa by their dad.

I love Africa, I love family angst. I'll give it a try. What is cane about?

I've been selected to be a neilsen family---maybe that's a bad thing, huh? /? Sources: Me and my TiVo who loves me...

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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