Is there any English grammar mistake? Plz correct?

Well, the sentence isn't technically grammatically correct (I think you mean to say came UP to or approached); however, it's my friends and me. Me is the 1st person singular OBJECT pronoun. Since you and your friends are the OBJECTS of the action, you use an OBJECT pronoun.

(The object pronouns are me, you, him, her, it, us, and them) Had you been the subjects of the sentence, then it would be my friends and I. I is the 1st person singular SUBJECT pronoun. (The subject pronouns are I, you, he, she, it, we, and they).

Either: My friends and I came up to a man. -or- A man came up to my friends and me. "what if it was a guy walked toward me and my friends as opposed to a guy walked toward my friends and me or walked toward my friends and I?" ----- First, it's what if it were.

This is an oddity in English. When your are supposing something or are hypothesizing, then it's I were (it's also he/she/it were). That's the only time that phrasing is used.

These sentences are called conditionals (I apologize for answering a question you didn't ask, I just wanted to make you aware of the proper conjugation of 'to be" in a conditional statement) Second, with compound objects and subjects, you are ALWAYS listed LAST in order. That means it is ALWAYS "My friends and I walked toward(s) him (a guy)." Whether you use toward or towards depends on whether you're using British or American English.

Both are correct in either dialect, but towards is preferred in British English and toward is favored in American English. By extension, that means it is ALWAYS "A guy walked toward(s) my friends and me." Just remember that the word order is the SAME for subjects and objects.

List yourself LAST in compound subjects AND objects. EDIT: "Well Giambattista, thanks for correcting the other issues as well, in reality I knew about the what if it were, just slipped on that" ----- Please accept my apology.. I meant that politely. I gathered that English wasn't your native tongue, although your grammar is otherwise flawless (it was just a guess based on the fact that you asked the question -- I had no other indication that you weren't a native speaker).

I by no means meant you any offense.

Simple. A guy came to I Or A guy came to me. That is precisely how you know when to use I or me.

I went the the store. My friend and I went to the store. They will give me a prize.

They will give him and me a prize. He and I ate a cow. The cow ate him and me.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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