Is there any proof of extraterrestrial life?

Not at this time. The reason for the confusion on this point is that the media have a tendency to misunderstand scientists when they say "there's a good chance for life" or "life may be possible", on Mars for example. This leads to unfounded media reports that life actually *has been* found.

For example, a meteorite that is believed to have been from Mars has something in it that could be fossilized microorganisms. The media announced this as proof that Mars had life. They did not emphasize the fact that the supposed fossils might not have actually been fossils at all, just bits of mineral that happened to have a similar shape Now, let's get serious.

There are no aliens known to exist, just a bunch of anecdotes, and no matter how high you stack anecdotes, they never become evidence. We hope there is other life out there, and we consider it likely. But someone has to be the first form of intelligent life in the universe, and there is no evidence that it isn't us No proof has been found.

That does not stop people ignoring the fact that there is no evidence, still wistfully hoping and claiming they must be out there somewhere but just have not made contact yet . (This is called 'circular reasoning. ') For example, see the article titled "Aliens 'Absolutely' Exists, SETI Astronomer Believes : the title makes you think proof had been found that extraterrestrial life had been found, yet the National Geographic magazine says about SETI's senior astronomer, Seth Shostak, : "He and his colleagues have never found proof that anyone...or anything...'up there' is trying to make contact See link below So far, no life is known and proven to exist anywhere but Earth.It's a big universe and it seems as though life elsewhere would be likely, but "likely" isn't "proven".

Some world somewhere has to be the first to have life, and there is no proof as yet that it isn't Earth.

No. There is no proof of extraterrestrial life Speculation? Suggestions?

Possibilities? Yes. But no proof.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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