Sorry everyone: that was me. I have a Nessie-shaped boat I take out on the Loch now and then -- you can tell up close that it's fake, but from space, harder to tell. Sorry for the mix up!
Of course that is the Loch Ness Monster. This just in.. the Three Wolves T-shirt really gets you girls as well. Al Gore is on the case.
That's not the Loch Ness monster.... that's my ex-wife going for a swim. Bah-dum-bum :)
It's only a tiny speck, I suspect that one can read things into it that one wants to see. However, I have unusually perceptive eyes and I'm pretty sure I can make out what it really is. It looks to me like a beer wagon pulled by a team of Clydesdales.
Clydesdales are from Scotland just like Nessie, and a team of them swimming would kick up a wake. Probably the beer in the wagon is Scotch Ale, also called "Wee heavy". I think I can just make out the logo of Pike's Kilt Lifter, but it's a bit fuzzy even for my eyes.
You might need to down a few Kilt Lifters to make out the details.
That can't be Nessie. I don't see anything in that picture that resembles her long neck. ;).
Looks like a giant squid. LOL! I thought Nessie had an elongated head.
Sure looks weird but I don't know what made them make that association. It doesn't look anything like Nessie. It looks like a squid or a funny looking whale.
What is up with the obsession with Nessie? Everyone just really wants her to be real. I can't believe there are actual Nessie Hunters!
Thats not a picture of the Loch Ness Monster. There is no such thing as a Loch Ness Monster. There is no proof of one at all except of blurry ones.
That looks like a huge octopus from 20,000 Leagues from Bottom of the Sea.
I saw this today, and it looks like a small boat to me... white in the middle and the water is around it, as it goes forward.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.