It's your senior year, and two people have [ asked you to the prom]?

I guess that would depend on my expectations about who would likely ask me to prom and the promise I made to the first person who asked me. I am a firm believer in first come, first serve, and so I think regardless of personal preference, as a follower of this principle, I would certainly honor my promise to the first person who asked me. Chances are that not both individuals asked me to prom at the same time, and I likely had no idea who would ask me to begin with.

If the unattractive, geeky person had asked me first, and I had in fact answered “yes� At the time, then I would remain committed to this choice. I would think it horrible to cancel this prom date just because of his lesser physical attractiveness.

Even a geeky person is likely to show you a great time at the prom and that is really what doing out to dance is all about. You are not vowing to commit yourself to that person for the remainder of your life, but just to go to a dance together for one evening. That being said, you can always try to make a separate date with the attractive guy, that does not include prom but might result in a more romantic date overall.

If this (attractive) guy is truly interested in you, then he will likely not mind settling for a different date and will understand that somebody else has asked you first. If he is a understanding person, then he will respect you more for honoring your prior commitment and not canceling the second a better opportunity came along. And if you are simply looking for eye candy to display at the prom next to you, then you are selecting your date for the wrong reasons.

See if you can get the opportunity to enjoy each person’s company, just on different dates. Chose the one you feel most comfortable with and that would provide you with the best time. But remember, it is just a dance and losing a life-long friend over such an event is certainly not worth the risk.

I would have to go with the life long friend. Unattractive and geeky are only opinions of someones looks and actions. You can enjoy the company of someone with those details, for they might have an outstanding fun personality and thats the attraction you might have to them.

Going to the prom is suppose to be a fun and memorable evening. Just because your date is "very good looking "so to speak, does not mean you are going to have a fun fulfilled evening based on his looks. Therefore, if I thought I was going to lose my lifetime friend because I went with someone more "attractive" I for sure would make my lifetime friend my prom date.

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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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