Listen to any talk radio? Who is your favorite host or what is your favorite show? I love the Clark Howard Show?

I am going to say the Phil Hendrie show because it take real talent to do what he does. Or Stephanie Miller because she uses a lot of humor during her program. The problem with listening to people like Rush Limbaugh is that they are generally preaching to the choir and you have to be someone that does not read the newspaper at all.It is okay to have opinions and viewpoints but when you just make things up like “ the democrats in general revered every soviet leader that came down the pike” what are you basing it on?

There were only 5 Democratic presidents when the Soviet union was in business so which ones revered soviet leaders? Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter? It would have to be at least 3 to make that correct, or when he said that the household wealth of U.S. Families went down by 1.2 trillion this year because of Obama what he also left out that of late the stock market has been rising and now the estimate is that it went up by 3 trillion – what ever housing losses there were.

Does that mean in September that he will tell us that household wealth went up by 2 trillion +. My guess is he won't talk about it but if he does he will say it is in spite of Obama. Hannity operates about the same way.

Savage can at least present a cogent argument. Beck goes for the same audience but in his heart of hearts he is probably a libertarian. Another conservative but more libertarian talker that is not afraid of saying things about his own side is Jerry Doyle.

. I am going to say the Phil Hendrie show because it take real talent to do what he does. Or Stephanie Miller because she uses a lot of humor during her program.

The problem with listening to people like Rush Limbaugh is that they are generally preaching to the choir and you have to be someone that does not read the newspaper at all. It is okay to have opinions and viewpoints but when you just make things up like “ the democrats in general revered every soviet leader that came down the pike� What are you basing it on?

There were only 5 Democratic presidents when the Soviet union was in business so which ones revered soviet leaders? Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter? It would have to be at least 3 to make that correct, or when he said that the household wealth of U.S. Families went down by 1.2 trillion this year because of Obama what he also left out that of late the stock market has been rising and now the estimate is that it went up by 3 trillion – what ever housing losses there were.

Does that mean in September that he will tell us that household wealth went up by 2 trillion +. My guess is he won't talk about it but if he does he will say it is in spite of Obama. Hannity operates about the same way.

Savage can at least present a cogent argument. Beck goes for the same audience but in his heart of hearts he is probably a libertarian. Another conservative but more libertarian talker that is not afraid of saying things about his own side is Jerry Doyle.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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