Looking for a product that sits underneath your washer or dryer to keep it from damaging your flooring?

Looking for a product that sits underneath your washer or dryer to keep it from damaging your flooring... I've seen these in various houses I've vacated in. It is usually made of metal. The washer and/or dryer sit in it as to deter them from scratching the floor.

What are these called? Where can I purchase one of these? Does Amazon sell them?

I have Lowes and Home Depot in my area. My zip is 44134. Asked by dwdrums 45 months ago Similar questions: product sits underneath washer dryer damaging flooring Home.

Similar questions: product sits underneath washer dryer damaging flooring.

Here is an example, but I think you have the wrong purpose in mind. The metal or plastic pans are called washing machine drip pans. Oatey makes one.

Here is an example:acehardwareoutlet.com/(t2133gvanusaizblz...)/productdetails.aspx?sku=4063525&source=GoogleBaseThe purpose of a pan is to catch water overflow from a leak in the washer or a broken hose. They must have a drain run from the pan to the outside to do this. In my experience a pan does very little for a broken hose.

There are better methods to prevent that disaster. Here is a favorite and a couple more:plumbingsupply.com/clotherswasherhoseshu... also only use the stainless steel reinforced hoses for washers. See the Amazon products below.As far as preventing scratching the floor, I would consider PVC "tiles" or a scrap of vinyl flooring.

These are tough enough to live under a washer or dryer and prevent the floor from getting scratched. Or simple rubber furniture cups will work. The most important item to prevent floor damage (after preventing water damage) is to make sure the machines are properly leveled and are solid.

A bouncy floor won’t work, and a dancing machine will make a mess of most floor surfaces. A whole lot of floor scratches are made by installers trying to get the machines in a tiny alcove or closet. Make certain the installers protect the floor before the units are brought in.

Carpet samples are often used, but rosin paper also works if the installer is careful. The items I mention here are available from most any plumbers supply company and plumbers are happy to install them for you, generally in very short order. If you talk to a plumber about washing machine flood prevention they will know exactly what you need.

Agedwirehead's Recommendations Oatey 34051 Washing Machine Pan Amazon List Price: $25.29 Watts IntelliFlow Automatic Washing Machine Shut Off Valve #0004640 Amazon List Price: $203.95 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 4 reviews) Watts FloodSafe 3/4-by-3/4-by-48-Inch Washing Machine Connector, #MFS PBSPL48-1212 Amazon List Price: $21.08 Average Customer Rating: 3.5 out of 5 (based on 2 reviews) I am very fond of Watts products, but have not used their automatic valve. It should be great..

This item is called a washer tray or washer floor tray. I couldn't find any available for sale through Amazon, but here are some links to various websites that sell this kind of product: - at Whirlpool.com - at RepairClinic.com - at PartsTap.com Appliance Parts - at Online Collections by Menards - at PartsQuik.com You may well be able to find this product at large hardware/home improvement stores like Home Depot, or stores like Best Buy or Sears that sell washers and dryers. Sources: whirlpool.Com, www.repairclinic.com, www.partstap.com, www.menardsonlinecollections.com, www.partsquik.com .

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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