I think that it is a given that Demanda will be accepted into the exclusive Black Belt club. She regularly replies with interesting, accurate and detailed responses. Her work on Mahalo pages is outstanding and is perhaps second-to-none.
The bottom line is that if Mahalo could somehow clone members, they should use Demanda as a mold. There are a couple of things that really stick out in my mind when thinking about Demanda. First, she's not afraid to answer questions personally.. When someone asks "mahalo.com/answers/books-and-authors/wha... What books have made you cry" and you receive a thoughtful response that relays a personal connection, well, that's just rare.
Add to this Demanda's personal spin on almost every question that she answers and her body of work reflects the positive, encouraging reputation that she has earned. Demanda doesn't provide weak answers. Even when she's mahalo.com/answers/jobs/where-can-i-find... answering questions that likely won't receive a lot of responses, she still takes time to ensure that her answer is complete.
She's mahalo.com/answers/brown-belt-test/brown... well regarded for her knowledge and extends her answers further than most people asking a question expect. Last, the thing that sticks out for me when I think about Demanda is that she is mahalo.com/answers/shopping/where-to-buy... astonishingly good at finding things. She's fast and exceptionally accurate.
Demanda deserves all of the accolades and benefits that Mahalo can give her.
Anytime I see Demanda's proud Mahalo beach towel I smile. Congratulations!
Demanda was one of the first people to help me on this site and I really appreciated the help.
Demanda rocks. No doubt she is deserving of a black belt. She is a great contributor to the Mahalo community.
Congratulations @Demanda! Hurray! Yippie!
I was actually able to find some video of @demanda answering questions here on Mahalo! (if she were a bunny...) Notice how she stays calm and cool, even preens herself when posed with a challenging question! Others by now are frantically running about pulling out their hair.
When the question calls for good solid information, see how well she digs and pulls up all sorts of tid bits! She knows how to find some pretty good stuff for her stellar answers! After all her quick and precise hard work at completing pages, tasks, and answers, she always takes a quick power nap and rests until the next challenge comes along.
If only there were more @demandas, the world (and Mahalo) would be a better place!
Congratulations Demanda, you definitely deserve it!
Demanda was the first person to give me an unhelpful on an answer but I shall not hold it against her. She also never answered me on what she had bought with her Victoria Secret coupons but I will also let that pass. Welcome to the august halls of the black belt dojo Demanda San.
Now that you are a black belt I promise to be as respectful of you as I am of Bunnyphuphu. I couldn't decide on a black bet picture so I threw in three.
Congrats @demanda Everything is looking up from here.
You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. Congratulations Demanda, you definitely deserve it!
Congratulations Demanda, you definitely deserve it! You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question.
You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. Demanda was the first person to give me an unhelpful on an answer but I shall not hold it against her.
She also never answered me on what she had bought with her Victoria Secret coupons but I will also let that pass. Welcome to the august halls of the black belt dojo Demanda San. Now that you are a black belt I promise to be as respectful of you as I am of Bunnyphuphu.
I couldn't decide on a black bet picture so I threw in three. Demanda was the first person to give me an unhelpful on an answer but I shall not hold it against her. She also never answered me on what she had bought with her Victoria Secret coupons but I will also let that pass.
Welcome to the august halls of the black belt dojo Demanda San. Now that you are a black belt I promise to be as respectful of you as I am of Bunnyphuphu. I couldn't decide on a black bet picture so I threw in three.
You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. Congrats @demanda Everything is looking up from here.
Everything is looking up from here. You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.