Some have pointed out that not enough truly challenging questions have been posted recently" I've wondered about this too, Brian. I don't think that the problem is necessarily in the challenge or complexity of the questions that have been posted but rather their depth. To me, it seems like there have only been a handful of genuine, deep questions recently.
There seems to be a lot of contrived questions lately. For no other reason than to ask questions, folks post a series of questions. I don't think that there is anything wrong with this.In fact, I think that the more questions we have here, the better off MA is.
Many of these contrived questions are very interesting and engage the community. However, if the questions are challenging enough, I've been wondering how the community will encourage deep, honest, interesting questions to be posed. A question that _needs_ an answer is infinitely more important than a question that doesn't.
To participate in your game, I have 2 questions: 1) The history of economics and labor shows us that while workforces continually evolve and change to meet the needs of industry, industry also changes to meet the needs of labor. The auto industry is currently being reinvented in the mold of global capitalization.In 2020, people will look back at the changes that are happening in the automotive and manufacturing industries. When people look back on 2010, will they say "those were the good old days" or will they say "that's when all this great stuff started"? 2) Unannounced to the majority of users, the Internet is currently undergoing a revolution.In the past, the web was founded on advertising revenue. Today, ad sales are decreasing and in many segments of the Internet have completely disappeared. Using references from traditional economic theories and factual history, can you predict what will drive revenue on the Internet for the next 10 years?
The English language has evolved significantly since the late sixteenth century, the principle evolution that has taken place since then (as with any language) is that of its orthography; William Shakespeare, by the standards of his, our or any other time was one of the greatest writers ever, writing thirty-eight surviving plays, one hundred fifty-four sonnets and countless other poems, but he wrote using the orthography of his day; and it is there my question lies. Based on the standards of modern orthography (specifically not that of his day), of the tens of thousands of individual words in Shakespeare's plays, how many of them are misspelled?
Many students are using the Internet as a primary information source, yet much of what's out there is outdated, inaccurate, or deliberately misleading. How can we teach them to tell the good from the bad?
Here is the link to my question Today in this mad rat race for materialistic happiness some where we have lost joy of life .
This has always driven me insane. It's more of a riddle than a question but it pretty much blows my mind and I can't find an answer out there anywhere, though apparently it's a simple answer. Not sure if a riddle rather than a question really fits in with the spirit of the challenge but it seems to meet your criteria. Drives me insane.
Brian san, this is a great idea. We Mahaloians need to do everything we can, to encourage our talented "interviewers" to open up quality, educational conversations with our equally talented "reporters! " It'll be fun for everyone to follow this thread.
Keep up the great work. Here's a question I just asked below.
**** (The coversation openers) Politicians and journalists are currently debating over this topic. So what does the every-day person (AKA You! ) think about this?
Here’s some conversation openers. What has personally happened to you, that was poor quality healthcare? How do you think it could be improved?
Do you think our healthcare quality is the primary responsibility of: Healthcare insurance companies, the medical professionals, researchers, the government, patients, all of the above, or something else? Do you think any of these groups are “at fault� Why or why not?
Who in healthcare is doing a good job and should be commended for it? Do you think it’s actually possible to have very high quality healthcare for everyone? Why or why not?
Trick questions and the confusion they bring with them make any get-together fun and entertaining. You can use these for quizzes, games, and as riddles. Having said that, try solving these and you'll understand that answers to most lie in the questions.
Let's proceed, shall we? Divide 50 by half and add 20.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.